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=head1 NAME
Tk::AppWindow::CookBook - Some recipies
=over 4
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::CookBook::Extension>
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::CookBook::Plugin>
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::CookBook::ContentManager>
use strict;
use warnings;
# First define the content manager. a content manager handles #
# the basic tasks like loading, saving, displaying and #
# modifying files. The content manager does the actual work. #
package ImageManager;
use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::ContentManager);
Construct Tk::Widget 'ImageManager';
require Tk::Pane;
require Tk::Photo;
use Tk::PNG;
use File::Basename;
use MIME::Base64;
use Imager;
#Determining which image types we can use;
my %photoext = ();
my @types = keys %Imager::formats;
for (@types) {
$photoext{'.jpg'} = 1 if $_ eq 'jpeg';
$photoext{".$_"} = 1;
sub Populate {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
#We create a scrolled pane as main viewer.
#In it we pack a label with the image.
my $pn = $self->Scrolled('Pane',
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
)->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
$self->{FILE} = '';
$self->{IMAGE} = undef;
-zoomto => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, 'fit'],
DEFAULT => [$pn],
#overwritten method
sub doClear {
my $self = shift;
$self->{FILE} = '';
$self->{IMAGE} = undef;
#overwritten method
sub doLoad {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
$self->{FILE} = $file;
if (-e $file) {
my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse(lc($file), keys %photoext);
if (exists $photoext{lc($suffix)}) {
my $img = Imager->new;
$img->read(file=>$file) or warn "Cannot read: ", $img->errstr;
$self->{IMAGE} = $img if defined $img;
} else {
warn "Not an image $file"
} else {
warn "$file does not exist";
$self->after(100, ['ZoomDefault', $self]);
return 1
sub ZoomDefault {
my $self = shift;
my $scale = $self->cget('-zoomto');
if ($scale eq 'fit') {
} else {
sub Zoom {
my ($self, $perc) = @_;
return $self->ZoomToFit if $perc eq 'fit';
my $scale = $perc / 100;
my $img = $self->{IMAGE};
if (defined $img) {
my $width = int($img->getwidth * $scale);
my $height = int($img->getheight * $scale);
my $new = $img->scale(xpixels => $width, ypixels => $height);
my $data;
$new->write(data => \$data, type => 'png');
my $l = $self->CWidg->Label(
-image => $self->Photo(
-data => encode_base64($data),
-format => 'png',
$self->{LABEL} = $l;
sub ZoomToFit {
my $self = shift;
my $img = $self->{IMAGE};
if (defined $img) {
my $pane = $self->CWidg;
my $x = $pane->width - 4;
my $y = $pane->height - 4;
my $width = $img->getwidth;
my $height = $img->getheight;
my $scale;
my $xs = $x / $width;
my $ys = $y / $height;
if ($xs > $ys) {
$scale = $ys
} else {
$scale = $xs
$self->Zoom($scale * 100);
sub ViewerClear {
my $self = shift;
my $i = $self->{LABEL};
$i->destroy if defined $i;
$self->{LABEL} = undef;
# Now that we have a content manager ... #
# We can define the main package #
package main;
require Tk::AppWindow;
my @scales = (400, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10);
my $iv;
$iv = Tk::AppWindow->new(
-appname => 'Siv',
-contentmanagerclass => 'ImageManager',
-contentmanageroptions => ['-scaleto'],
-extensions => [qw[Art Balloon MDI ToolBar StatusBar MenuBar Navigator Settings]],
-readonly => 1,
-mainmenuitems => [
[ 'menu', 'View', "~Zoom" ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "~Fit", 'scaletofit', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "400", 'scaleto400', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "200", 'scaleto200', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "100", 'scaleto100', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "50", 'scaleto50', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "25", 'scaleto25', 'transform-scale' ],
[ 'menu_normal', 'Zoom::', "10", 'scaleto10', 'transform-scale' ],
-useroptions => [
'*page' => 'Bars',
'*section' => 'Menubar',
-menuiconsize => ['list', 'Icon size', -values => sub { return $iv->cmdExecute('available_icon_sizes') }],
'*section' => 'Toolbar',
-toolbarvisible => ['boolean', 'Visible at launch'],
-tooliconsize => ['list', 'Icon size', -values => sub { return $iv->cmdExecute('available_icon_sizes') }],
-tooltextposition => ['radio', 'Text position', -values => [qw[none left right top bottom]]],
'*section' => 'Statusbar',
-statusbarvisible => ['boolean', 'Visible at launch'],
-verbose => 1,
$iv->cmdConfig('scaletofit' => [\&Zoom, 'fit']);
for (@scales) {
my $scale = $_;
$iv->cmdConfig("scaleto$scale" => [\&Zoom, $scale])
sub Zoom {
my $perc = shift;
my $mdi = $iv->extGet('MDI');
my $sel = $mdi->docSelected;
if (defined $sel) {
my $doc = $mdi->docGet($sel);
=head1 AUTHOR
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Tk::AppWindow>
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::Extension>
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::SidePanel>
=item L<Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Panels>