Tk::PodViewer - Simple ROText based pod viewer.
my $podviewer = $app->PodViewer->pack;
Tk::PodViewer is a simple pod viewer. It inherits Tk::Frame, but delegates all options and methods to Tk::ROText.
It supports most of the pod tags. It ignores the following tags:
- Switch: -fixedfontfamily
Default value 'Hack'. Specifies the font family for tags that require a fixed font family.
- Switch: -loadcall
Callback called at the end of each load. Receives the source determinator as parameter.
- Name: linkColor
- Class: LinkColor
- Switch: -linkcolor
Default value '#3030DF' (light blue). Specifies the foreground color for link tags.
- Switch: -scrollbars
Only available at create time. Default value 'osoe'.
- Switch: -zoom
Default value 0. Set and get the zoom factor.
- clear
Deletes all content and resets all stacks except the.
- clearHistory
Resets the history stack.
- configureTags
Call after widget initialization and in all zoom methods. Call this method after you make changes to any of the font options.
- load($source, ?$history?)
Parses $source. $source can be a file name, a module name or a reference tp a string.
You can set $history to false if you do not want $source added to your history list. Usefull when reloading a source. By default it is set to true.
- next
Only works after previous has been called. Loads the next source in the history.
- previous
Only works after a link tag has been clicked. Loads the previous source in the history.
- zoomIn
Increases font sizes by two pixels.
- zoomNew($zoom)
Sets a new zoom size of original font sizes + $zoom pixels.
- zoomOut
Decreases font sizes by two pixels.
- zoomReset
Resets font sizes to zoom 0.
Same as Perl.
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
If you find any bugs, please contact the author.
Change the S command into real non breakable spaces instead of just a wrap to none.