Tk::PopList - Popping a selection list relative to a widget
require Tk::PopList;
my $list = $window->PopList(@options,
-values => [qw/value1 value2 value3 value4/],
-widget => $somewidget,
Inherits Tk::Poplevel
This widget pops a listbox relative to the widget specified in the -widget option. It aligns its size and position to the widget.
You can specify -selectcall to do something when you select an item. It gets the selected item as parameter.
You can use the escape key to hide the list. You can use the return key to select an item.
- -filter
Default value 0
Specifies if a filter entry is added. Practical for a long list of values.
- -motionselect
Default value 1
When set hoovering over a list item selects it.
- -nofocus
Default value false. If set the list widget will not take focus when popping up.
- -selectcall
Callback, called when a list item is selected.
- -values
List of possible values.
<Down> Moves selection to the next item in the list.
<End> Moves selection to the last item in the list.
<Escape> Hides the poplist.
<Home> Moves selection to the first item in the list.
<Return> Selects the current selection and hides the poplist.
<Up> Moves selection to the previous item in the list.
Same as Perl.
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author.