Changes for version 0.20 - 2011-05-19
- Note: ** Potential breakage of your application **
- Added the "max_size" attribute to Form::Processor::Field base class which defaults to 10,000.
- The Text field's "size" default has been changed from zero to 2,500.
- The Text field was simply a base class that added lengths and was intended to be overridden. But, as a sanity check for all fields there is now this default of 2,500 characters.
- It is still expected that users create their own Field subclasses to match their applications and add validation.
- The Email field is now limited to 254 characters and uses the output from Email::Valid::address.
- New Form attribute "use_existing_values" has been added and a new Field attribute "must_submit". See docs for these related attributes.
validate and process form data
Base class for Fields used with Form::Processor
A true or false field
Muliplt CIDR addresses
A boolean checkbox field type
Maps to the current DateTime module.
DEPRECATED example of a compound field
DEPRECATED example of a sub-form
Free-form date/time input
Expects datas in yyyy_mm_dd format
Validates email uisng Email::Valid
DEPRECATED tests that the entered date is in the future
a text field as a hidden widget
accept integer from 0 to 23
Input HTML in a textarea
Select an integer range in a select list
validate an integer value
convert passwords to MD5 hashes
input range from 0 to 60
Input US currenty-like values.
Select list of 1 to 12
Select list for a day number 1 to 31
Select list for month names
Select one or more options
Field::Processor Field
Input a password
input a telephone number
Validates input is a postive integer
Field that can be read but not updated
Select list for seconds
Tests that Template-Toolkit can parse the content
A simple text entry field
Mulitple line input
Tests that a url looks like a url.
Validate that the input looks like a US phone number
Checks that input looks like a US Zip.
A field for uploading files
Select valid day of the week
Select a recent year.
default model base class
in lib/Form/Processor/
in lib/Form/Processor/I18N/