
Util::H2O - Hash to Object: turns hashrefs into objects with accessors for keys


use Util::H2O;
my $hash = h2o { foo => "bar", x => "y" }, qw/ more keys /;
print $hash->foo, "\n";           # accessor
$hash->x("z");                    # change value
$hash->more("quz");               # additional keys

my $struct = { hello => { perl => "world!" } };
h2o -recurse, $struct;            # objectify nested hashrefs as well
print $struct->hello->perl, "\n";

my $obj = h2o -meth, {            # code references become methods
    what => "beans",
    cool => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        print $self->what, "\n";
    } };
$obj->cool;                       # prints "beans"


This module exports a single function by default.

h2o @opts, $hashref, @additional_keys

Turns hashrefs into objects, so that instead of $hash->{key} you can write $hash->key, plus you get protection from typos. Be aware that this does modify the original hashref.

Nested hashes can be objectified as well if you supply the -recurse option as the first argument; additional keys apply to the toplevel hash only.

If you supply the -meth option, then any code references present in the hash will become methods. Even when used together with -recurse, only code references in the toplevel hash are methodified.

Note: The hash may not contain a key named DESTROY.

See Also

Inspired in part by lock_keys from Hash::Util.

Many, many other modules exist to simplify object creation in Perl. This one is mine ;-P

For real OO work, I like Moo and Type::Tiny.

Author, Copyright, and License

Copyright (c) 2020 Hauke Daempfling (

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.

For more information see the Perl Artistic License, which should have been distributed with your copy of Perl. Try the command perldoc perlartistic or see