# Configuration File for Literature Based Discovery
# All the options in this file are parsed and used as parameters for
# Literature Based Discovery
# Options keys are in <>'s, and values follow directly after with no space.
# As as example, the line "<rankingMethod>ll" will set the 'rankingMethod'
# parameter with a value of 'll' for literature based discovery
# For parameters where no value is needed, just write the name of the
# parameter in '<>' (e.g. '<debug>')
# lines started with a # are skipped and may be used for comments
#----- Time Slicing Specific Parameters ------------------------
#Tell LBD to enter precision and recall mode (time slicing)
# name of the file that contains a new line seperated list of cuis
# each cui serves as a start term. The average of all cuis in this
# file are what is reported for precision and recall
# A list of starting accept types. This is used to randomly generate 100
# starting terms if a cuiListFileName is not specified. All starting terms
# will be of the types listed
# The ranking procedure to use for LBD
# valid ranking procedures are:
# allPairs (maxBC) - maximum B to C term value
# averageMinimumWeight (AMW) - average of minimum A to B and B to C values
# linkingTermCount* (LTC) - count of shared linking terms
# frequency* (freq) - sum of A to B co-occurrences of shared B terms
# ltcAssociation (LTA) - association measures that use linking terms as inputs
# ltc_AMW - linking term count with AMW as a tie-breaker
# *all procedures require a measure to be specified except LTC and freq
# The association measure to use as a value in the ranking procedure.
# The string is passed directly to UMLS::Association, so as that gets
# updated, new associatio measures will work automatically.
# At the time of this writing, valid arguments are:
# freq - Frequency
# dice - Dice Coefficient
# left - Fishers exact test - left sided
# right - Fishers exact test - right sided
# twotailed - Fishers twotailed test
# jaccard - Jaccard Coefficient
# ll - Log-likelihood ratio
# tmi - Mutual Information
# odds - Odds Ratio
# pmi - Pointwise Mutual Information
# phi - Phi Coefficient
# chi - Pearson's Chi Squared Test
# ps - Poisson Stirling Measure
# tscore - T-score
# a comma seperated list of linking (B) term accept semantic groups, which
# restricts the linking terms to the semantic groups specified. Group names
# come directly from the UMLS.
# similar to linking accept groups, this restricts the acceptable linking (B)
# terms to terms within the semantic types listed
# a comma seperated list of target (C) term accept semantic groups, which
# restricts the linking terms to the semantic groups specified. Group names
# come directly from the UMLS.
# similar to target termcept groups, this restricts the acceptable target (C)
# terms to terms within the semantic types listed
# Input file path for the explicit co-occurrence matrix used in LBD
# Input file path for the gold standard matrix (matrix of true predictions)
# See utils/datasetCreator on how to make this
# Input file path of the pre-computed predictions file
# This is optional, but can speed up computation time, since computing the
# prediction matrix can be time consuming.
# The prediction matrix is all predicted discoveries. It is easiest to generate
# by running timeslicing first with the predictionsOutFile specified, then
# in subsequent runs using that as an input
# <predictionsInFile>predictionsMatrix
# Output file path of the pre-computed predictions file
# This is optional, but can speed up computation time, since computing the
# prediction matrix can be time consuming.
# The prediction matrix is all predicted discoveries
# A thresholded matrix to use for computing association measure values. The
# user must specify a non-thresholded matrix in order to properly compute
# predictions. The thresholded matrix file is optional, and is used only
# for the values in ranking procedures
# <thresholdedMatrix>thresholdMatrix