# ALBD::Filters
# Perl module for applying Literature Based Discovery filters
# Copyright (c) 2017
# Sam Henry
# henryst at vcu.edu
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to
# The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package Filters;
use strict;
# applies a semantic group filter to the matrix, by removing keys that
# are not allowed semantic type. Eliminates both rows and columns, so
# is applied to the full explicit matrix
# input: $matrixRef <- ref to a sparse matrix to be filtered
# $acceptTypesRef <- a ref to a hash of accept type strings
# $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: None, but $vectorRef is updated
sub semanticTypeFilter_rowsAndColumns {
my $matrixRef = shift;
my $acceptTypesRef = shift;
my $umls = shift;
#Count the number of keys before and after filtering (for debugging)
my %termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys before filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
#eliminate values that are incorrect semantic groups
#do each row at a time, remove column values that
#are the incorrect semantic type
my %cuisChecked = ();
#cuisChecked keeps track of cuis that have been checked
# for elimination. If the cui has been checked its key
# will exist in the hash. Values of -1 indicate it should
# be eliminated, values of 1 indicate it should stay.
#eliminate cuis from rows
foreach my $cui (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
#update cui checked hash
if (!exists $cuisChecked{$cui}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui} = -1;
my $typesRef = $umls->getSt($cui);
foreach my $type(@{$typesRef}) {
my $abr = $umls->getStAbr($type);
#check the cui for removal
if (exists ${$acceptTypesRef}{$type}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui} = 1;
#eliminate if needed
if ($cuisChecked{$cui} < 0) {
delete ${$matrixRef}{$cui};
#eliminate cuis from columns
foreach my $cui1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $cui2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$cui1}}) {
#update cui checked hash
if (!exists $cuisChecked{$cui2}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui2} = -1;
my $typesRef = $umls->getSt($cui2);
foreach my $type(@{$typesRef}) {
my $abr = $umls->getStAbr($type);
#check the cui for removal
if (exists ${$acceptTypesRef}{$type}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui2} = 1;
#eliminate if needed
if ($cuisChecked{$cui2} < 0) {
delete ${${$matrixRef}{$cui1}}{$cui2};
#Count the number of keys after filtering (for debugging)
%termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys after filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
# applies a semantic group filter to the matrix, by removing keys that
# are not allowed semantic type. Only removes types from rows,
# so is applied for times slicing, before randomly selecting terms of
# one semantic type
# input: $matrixRef <- ref to a sparse matrix to be filtered
# $acceptTypesRef <- a ref to a hash of accept type strings
# $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: None, but $vectorRef is updated
sub semanticTypeFilter_rows {
my $matrixRef = shift;
my $acceptTypesRef = shift;
my $umls = shift;
#Count the number of keys before and after filtering (for debugging)
my %termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys before filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
#eliminate values that are incorrect semantic groups
#do each row at a time, remove column values that
#are the incorrect semantic type
my $keep = -1;
#cuisChecked keeps track of cuis that have been checked
# for elimination. If the cui has been checked its key
# will exist in the hash. Values of -1 indicate it should
# be eliminated, values of 1 indicate it should stay.
#eliminate cuis from columns
foreach my $cui1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
my $typesRef = $umls->getSt($cui1);
foreach my $type(@{$typesRef}) {
my $abr = $umls->getStAbr($type);
#check the cui for removal
if (exists ${$acceptTypesRef}{$type}) {
$keep = 1;
#eliminate if needed
if ($keep < 0) {
delete ${$matrixRef}{$cui1};
$keep = -1;
#Count the number of keys after filtering (for debugging)
%termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys after filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
# applies a semantic group filter to the matrix, by removing keys that
# are not allowed semantic type. Only removes types from columns,
# so is applied to the implicit matrix (starting term rows with implicit
# columns).
# input: $matrixRef <- ref to a sparse matrix to be filtered
# $acceptTypesRef <- a ref to a hash of accept type strings
# $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: None, but $vectorRef is updated
sub semanticTypeFilter_columns {
my $matrixRef = shift;
my $acceptTypesRef = shift;
my $umls = shift;
#Count the number of keys before and after filtering (for debugging)
my %termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys before filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
#eliminate values that are incorrect semantic groups
#do each row at a time, remove column values that
#are the incorrect semantic type
my %cuisChecked = ();
#cuisChecked keeps track of cuis that have been checked
# for elimination. If the cui has been checked its key
# will exist in the hash. Values of -1 indicate it should
# be eliminated, values of 1 indicate it should stay.
#eliminate cuis from columns
foreach my $cui1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $cui2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$cui1}}) {
#update cui checked hash
if (!exists $cuisChecked{$cui2}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui2} = -1;
my $typesRef = $umls->getSt($cui2);
foreach my $type(@{$typesRef}) {
my $abr = $umls->getStAbr($type);
#check the cui for removal
if (exists ${$acceptTypesRef}{$type}) {
$cuisChecked{$cui2} = 1;
#eliminate if needed
if ($cuisChecked{$cui2} < 0) {
delete ${${$matrixRef}{$cui1}}{$cui2};
#Count the number of keys after filtering (for debugging)
%termsHash = ();
foreach my $key1 (keys %{$matrixRef}) {
foreach my $key2 (keys %{${$matrixRef}{$key1}}) {
$termsHash{$key2} = 1;
print " number of keys after filtering = ".(scalar keys %termsHash)."\n";
# gets the semantic types of the group
# input: $group <- a string specifying a semantic group
# $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: a ref to a hash of TUIs
sub getTypesOfGroup {
my $group = shift;
my $umls = shift;
#add each type of the group to the set of accept types
my %acceptTuis = ();
my @groupTypes = @{ $umls->getStsFromSg($group) };
foreach my $abr(@groupTypes) {
#check that it is defined (types that are no longer in
#the UMLS may be returned as part of the group)
if (defined $abr) {
my $tui = uc $umls->getStTui($abr);
$acceptTuis{$tui} = 1;
return \%acceptTuis;
# gets all semantic types of the UMLS
# input: $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: a ref to an array of TUIs
sub getAllTypes {
my $umls = shift;
my $abrRef = $umls->getAllSts();
my @tuis = ();
foreach my $abr(@{$abrRef}) {
push @tuis, uc $umls->getStTui($abr);
return \@tuis;
# gets all semantic groups of the UMLS
# input: $umls <- an instance of UMLS::Interface
# output: a ref to a hash of semantic groups
sub getAllGroups {
my $umls = shift;
my $groupsRef = $umls->getAllSemanticGroups();
return $groupsRef;