Config::Simple::Extended - Extend Config::Simple w/ Configuration Inheritance, chosen by URL
Version 0.12
my $url = $cgi->url(); my $cfg_file_path = parse_url_for_config_path($url); my $cfg_base_path = '/etc/app_name/sites'; my $cfg_path = "$cfg_base_path/$cfg_file_path";
my $installation_cfg = Config::Simple->new( file => '$cfg_path/app_name.ini' );
my $client_cfg = Config::Simple::Extended->inherit( base_config => $installation_cfg, filename => '$cfg_path/client_name/app_name.ini', );
my $job_cfg = Config::Simple::Extended->inherit( base_config => $client_cfg, filename => '$cfg_path/client_name/app_job_id.ini', );
For details on accessing configuration parameters, read perldoc Config::Simple, which is well documented. In short, even if you wanted to bypass the published methods, everything seems to be found at: $cfg->{'_DATA'}->{$stanza}->{$key}, which then takes an anonymous list of whatever you feed it. The notes below focus on how to set up overloading configuration files How to write a constructor which will use them, how to share configuration hashes among modules in an application, etc.
These configuration hashes can be shared around with other objects which need them, like this:
my $object = My::New::Module->new({ 'cfg' => $self->{'cfg'} });
assuming that you are inside an object method whose constructor stored the configuration hash at its own 'cfg' key, as I used to do, or in a ->cfg attribute as I tend to do these days now that Moose has come along.
or to needlessly duplicate the object in your memory overhead, as I did it when I was first digging around in the innards of Config::Simple, and learning how to use it:
my $new_object = My::New::Module->new({
'config_file' => $self->{'cfg'}->{'_FILE_NAME'} });
But don't do that. It will make your dumpers needlessly confusing.
Now I can write a constructor like this:
package My::New::Module;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $defaults = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{'cfg'} = Config::Simple->new(
$defaults->{'config_file'} );
} elsif(defined($defaults->{'config_files'})){
my $cfg;
foreach my $file (@{$defaults->{'config_files'}}){
$cfg = Config::Simple::Extended->inherit({
base_config => $cfg,
filename => $file });
$self->{'cfg'} = $cfg;
} else {
die "Constructor invoked with no Confirguration File."
my $db = $self->{'cfg'}->get_block('db');
# print STDERR Dumper(\$db);
$self->{'dbh'} = My::New::Module::DB->connect($db);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
or, with Moose, perhaps adapt that as a ->_build_cfg() method to populate a ->cfg() attribute. That is how I've used this module since I started using Moose.
Making it possible to use it like so:
my $new_object = My::New::Module->new({
'config_files' => [ '/etc/my_app/base_configuration.ini',
'/etc/my_app/client/job_id.ini' ] });
with the job config over-writing the client config, over-writing the base config. If you let untrusted users write their own job configuration files, you probably want to reverse the order of the array, so that your base configuration file ultimately overwrites the final object with your sanity checks and security barriers in place.
$cfg_file_path = parse_url_for_config_path($url);
This converts a url into a configuration file path, in a manner similar to the way that drupal lays out its configuration files, permitting a single code installation to host multiple instances of the same application. Each url is aliased to the same code installation, and this method sorts out which configuration to provide it.
This is copied verbatim from ->Config::Simple::Inherit->inherit(); And this module's version number is taken from that module, as well.
This module only offers this one method, but I trust you'll find it useful. It returns a Config::Simple object, when given a reference to a hash, of which it only recognizes two keys: 'base_config' and 'filename'. The 'base_config' ought to be left undefined or set to a 'Config::Simple' object created with either this method or the ->new() method provided by Config::Simple. When 'base_config' is given a Config::Simple object, it walks every configuration parameter defined in the filename, and uses the new value to update the value for the respective parameterin the 'base_config' object, inheriting values from it, but overloading the configuration with the new values.
I envision essentially two ways this module might be used:
(1) to provide a means for getting more specific with a configuration by first creating an installation-wide configuration, then a client specific configuration, then job specific configuration, each overloading the more general values provided by the configuration before it.
(2) to enforce client, and installation security controls and sanity checks on a configuration prepared by an untrusted user. Say you had an application which permitted a local user to create a configuration file for a job. By loading the user created configuration first, then using the installation default configuration to overwrite it, it would be possible to prevent abuse and enforce system wide constraints.
my $array_ref = get_stanzas( $cfg );
If you use a hierarchical configuration file structure, with values assigned to keys inside of stanzas, you can use this method to pull a reference to a list of the stanzas currently defined in your configuration file. In an ini files this would be denoted as [stanza_name], as if it were a one element arrayref.
Hugh Esco, <hesco at>
On January 2nd, 2012 I resolved a long standing documentation bug which I believe (but have in no way confirmed) was introduced by an interface change to Config::Simple.
On January 11th, 2013, I hardened this module by using the interface, rather than the internals of Config::Simple.
It seems that ->inherit will not overwrite a configuration value for a key which does not already exist in the inherited from ->cfg object. That is something which should be easy to rectify but which seems barely outside the scope of this evening's work when I'm supposed to be working on something else which depends on these changes. I had not noticed this prior to these revisions and this may represent regression. Hope this does not break production installations for others. I will try to watch the smoke tests and RT and respond if I see these recent enhancements make problems for folks.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-config-simple-inherit at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Config::Simple::Extended
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Sherzod B. Ruzmetov, author of Config::Simple, which I've come to rely on as the primary tool I use to manage configuration for the applications I write.
Copyright 2008-2013 Hugh Esco, all rights reserved.
This program is released under the following license: Gnu Public License.
Config::Simple which handles ini, html and simple formats. Config::Simple::Extended returns a Config::Simple object, and the accessors (and other methods) for its configuration are documented by Mr. Ruzmetov in the perldoc for his module.
If you need some combination of json, yaml, xml, perl, ini or Config::General formats, take a look at: Config::Merge, which I learned of after releasing version 0.03 of this module to cpan.