Hessian::Translator::Envelope - Translate envelope level Hessian syntax


These methods are meant for internal use only.


This module implements methods necessary for processing the packaging of Hessian messages. This includes components of Hessian messages like envelopes and packets (mainly relevant for Hessian 2.0) as well as call and reply elements.



Read Hessian wrapper level message components. For version 1.0 of the protocol this mainly applies to reply, call and fault objects. For version 2.0 this applies to the envelope and any nested call, reply or fault entities.



Read a remote procedure call from the input stream.


This method is starting point for processing Hessian version 2.0 messages. An enveloped message is passed to this subroutine to be broken down in to its components.

Read the contents of a header or footer for a message chunk.



Reads the version of the message.


Writes a datastructure as a hessian message.


Write a subset of hessian data out as a packet.


Write a datastructure into a Hessian serialized message.

This method is called internally if the datastructure passed to Hessian::Serializer contains hash with the key envelope pointing to a nested hash datastructure. The nested datastructure may vary.

Here are two examples of datastructures that will be passed to the write_hessian_envelope method:

In this case, the envelope points to a RPC for the method hello and a signle argument "hello, world".

my $datastructure = {
    envelope => {
        call => {
            method    => 'hello',
            arguments => ['hello, world']
        meta    => 'Identity',
        headers => [],
        footers => []

In the second example, the envelope wraps some basic data which could represent any datastructure.

my $datastructure2 = {
    envelope => {
        data    => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing",
        meta    => 'Identity',
        headers => [],
        footers => []


Read the binary wrapped body of a Hessian envelope.