pocoirc - A command line tool for launching POE::Component::IRC clients


pocoirc <options>

  -c, --check                  Check if config is valid and code compiles
  -f FOO, --config FOO         Use config file FOO
  -d, --daemonize              Run in the background
  -v, --verbose                Show IRC protocol messages
  -N, --no-color               Don't use terminal colors
  -V, --version                Print version
  -h, --help                   Print this usage message

When not using a config file, you can use these:
  -s FOO, --server FOO         Connect to server FOO
  -p FOO, --password FOO       Use server password FOO
  -n FOO, --nickname FOO       Use nickname FOO
  -u FOO, --username FOO       Use username FOO
  -i FOO, --ircname FOO        Use ircname FOO
  -j FOO --join FOO            Join channel FOO (see below)
  -N FOO, --nspassword FOO     NickServ password (see below)
  -P FOO, --plugin FOO         Load plugin FOO (see below)
  -6, --ipv6,                  Use IPv6
  -S, --ssl,                   Use SSL
  -a FOO:BAR, --arg FOO:BAR    Arbitrary argument to POE::Component::IRC
  -C FOO, --class FOO          E.g. POE::Component:IRC::Qnet::State
  -I FOO, --lib FOO            A Perl library directory to include
  -l, --log-file               Write status messages to this log file

Arguments to the -j option can be a channel name (e.g. '#foo') or a channel
name and a password separated by a colon (e.g. '#foo:bar'). If you specify
any channels, an AutoJoin plugin with these parameters will be added to
your IRC component.

When you use the -N option, a NickServID plugin will be added for you with
the supplied password.

Arguments to the -P option should consist of the short class name, zero or
more whitespace, and possibly a JSON hash of arguments to the plugin's

 -P AutoJoin
 -P 'AutoJoin{"ReJoinOnKick":0}'
 -P 'AutoJoin{"ReJoinOnKick":0,"Channels":["#foo","#bar"]}'
 -P 'AutoJoin {"ReJoinOnKick": 0, "Channels": ["#foo", "#bar"]}'

For documentation on the configuration file, do "perldoc App::Pocoirc"


Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson,


Copyright 2010 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.