Changes for version 0.65 - 2011-04-26
- Expand "~" and such in the brain filename argument.
- Word tokenizer: Recognize "e.g." and other abbreviations as single tokens. Recognize '–' as a word-separating dash. Put a full stop after words separated by dots, like "sources.list". Fix capitalization problems caused by "..." Capitalize "foo!" and "foo." Preserve casing of words such as "POE-Component-IRC" Catch "Acme::POE::Tree" as one word, and preserve its casing Catch "rollin'" as one word when it makes sense Catch 'foo-" as one word when it makes sense, and capitalize at start of a sentence Capitalize quoted words at the start of a line
- The --help option didn't work with Moose >=1.25 (RT #67548). Fixed.
A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL
Class for the hailo command-line interface to Hailo
The default engine backend for Hailo
A role which adds an 'arguments' attribute
A role representing a Hailo engine backend
A role representing a Hailo storage backend
A role representing a Hailo tokenizer
A role representing a Hailo UI
A base class for Hailo storage backends
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::mysql
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::Pg
A storage backend for Hailo using DBD::SQLite
Deploy the database schema Hailo uses
A character tokenizer for Hailo
A tokenizer for Hailo which splits on whitespace and word boundaries, mostly.
A UI for Hailo using Term::ReadLine