Changes for version 0.16_02 - 2009-07-24
- Added Win32::Console::ANSI as a recommended dep
- Make sure we die if the target is not recognized
- Fix small S32 parsing bug, causing Pod errors
- Look up man pages (perlintro, etc)
- Added test for -l/--locate
Changes for version 0.16_01 - 2009-07-24
- Rename -l/--only option to -l/--locate
- Move parsers to the App::Grok::Parser:: namespace
- Move all resource backends to App::Grok::Resource::*
Perl 6 documentation reader
Does most of grok's heavy lifting
A Pod 5 backend for grok
A Pod 6 backend for grok
Standard file resource for grok
S29/S32 functions resource for grok
Perl 6 specification resource for grok
Grok resource for the Perl 6 Table Index
u4x resource for grok