Revision history for Catalyst-Manual

5.7019  11 Mar 2009
        - Change from the use of "part" to refer to each .pod file for the
            tutorial in favor of the more intuitive word "chapter."  "Part" 
            was just to ambiguous (e.g., does "prior part" refer to the prior 
            .pod file or the prior section in the current .pod file).
        - Move use of "load_namespaces" for DBIC from BasicCRUD to 
        - Update the "Table of Contents" in Tutorial.pod to match the current
        - Fix a few typos

5.7018  8 Mar 2009
        - Add a new section to BasicCRUD covering more advanced features of 
        - Convert from Ubuntu to Debian 5 live CD as the recommended way to do
            the tutorial (all code and examples updated and tested to match)
        - Removed Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL from Authorization.pod
            in favor of a "chained and model-based" approach
        - More conversion to Chained dispatch
        - Suggestions and fixes with thanks to
        - DBIC-related updates in MoreCatalystBasics
        - Fix misplaced "=over 4" in previous release
        - Reword warning about not using GET for delete based on input from kd
        - Lots of other small adjustments

5.7017  28 Feb 2009
        - Main change = adding Chained dispatch starting in BasicCRUD (Part 4)
        - Add some "getting started" links to the Catalyst::Manual page
        - Change FormFu tutorial to not use deprecated methods (Del Merritt)
        - MoreCatalystBasics - Additional clarification about TTSite
          (Del Merritt)
        - Tutorial::Authorization - Corrects the ACL for "/books/delete"
                                  - Additional comments 
          (Del Merritt)
        - Tutorial::AdvancedCRUD::FormFu - suggest how the intrepid user 
          might now proceed, having completed the Tutorial. (Del Merritt)
        - Fix typo in Authorization section (RT #42091)
        - Fix typo in BasicCRUD (RT #42034)
        - Resolve outstanding typo and suggestions in MoreCatalystBasics (RT #41491)
        - Fix DBIC create for MySQL in Appendix (Jarom)
        - Misc minor updates

5.7016  28 Dec 2008
        - Updates to make Parts 8 & 9 run correctly
        - Adjust URLs for final config tarballs
        - Add note about changes across different C::Devel on how plugins enabled
        - Misc minor updates

5.7015  15 Dec 2008
        - Remove TTSite from Tutorial (thanks to dhoss for the help)
        - Update Tutorial for Ubuntu 8.10 (therefore update to 
          Cat v5.7014, C::Devel v1.07, DBIC v0.08010, etc.)
        - Reorganize MoreCatalystBasics.pod so user is able to run 
          the app the first time much earlier and build on it from 
          there (running the app each time along the way)
        - Update URL for latest copy in SVN to match new location of repo
        - Misc typo fix
        - Change use of Class::C3 to MRO::Compat, as rafl tells me
          this is best practice, and gives you native next::method in 
          5.10. (t0m)

5.7014   04 Nov 2008
        - Remove a reference to a FOREACH loop that did not exist (RT #39046)
        - Changed some Template Toolkit links to perldoc links (RT #38354)
        - Fix Template Toolkit website link (RT #37574)
        - Fix part numbering (RT #37963)
        - Improvements to the ACCEPT_CONTEXT docs in Manual::Intro
        - Happy Election Day, America!

5.7013   09 Jul 2008
        - revert to use Catalyst qw/@plugins/ style

5.7012   29 May 2008
        - Expurgation of all use of default :Private and index :Private in favour
          of default :Path and index :Path :Args(0)
        - Expurgation of all yaml as configuration format
        - Major updates to tutorial, thanks hkclark and gerda 

5.7011   16 May 2008 
        - added warnings and poiinters to newer examples in HTML::Widget,
          and Authentication parts of the tutorial.
        - pod fix (RT #32636)

5.701004 09 Apr 2008
        - rename placeholder back to, this will probably trigger
          a ppm bug but that's ppm's problem

5.701003 08 Oct 2007
        - Patch to Cookbook from bits.

5.701002 25 Aug 2007

5.701001 17 Aug 2007
        - Changes to mocation of lib/Catalyst/Manual.pod to 
          lib/Catalyst/ to keep cpan indexer happy.

5.700704 08 Aug 2007
        - Updated mailing list addresses to domains

        - Cookbook: Updated development server deployment instructions, and 
          included a better description of the POE engine.

5.700702 26 April 2007
        - Switch to Module::Install

5.700701 19 April 2007
        - Removal of WritingPlugins. ExtendingCatalyst is now the main resource
          for extensions to the framework and the application.

5.700501 10 November 2006
        - Matches Catalyst-Runtime 5.7005

5.700401 07 November 2006
        - First release to CPAN; matches Catalyst-Runtime 5.7004.

5.700301 20 October 2006
        - Splitting manual into its own distro