Changes for version 5.7019
- Change from the use of "part" to refer to each .pod file for the tutorial in favor of the more intuitive word "chapter." "Part" was just to ambiguous (e.g., does "prior part" refer to the prior .pod file or the prior section in the current .pod file).
- Move use of "load_namespaces" for DBIC from BasicCRUD to MoreCatalystBasics
- Update the "Table of Contents" in Tutorial.pod to match the current sections
- Fix a few typos
The philosophy of Catalyst
Catalyst Reusable Actions
Cooking with Catalyst
Administrative structure of the Catalyst Development Process
Extending The Framework
Catalyst Internals
Introduction to Catalyst
Catalyst Plugins (and Components)
Catalyst Tutorial: Overview
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormBuilder
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 9: Advanced CRUD - FormFu
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 10: Appendices
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 5: Authentication
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 6: Authorization
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 4: Basic CRUD
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 2: Catalyst Application Development Basics
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 7: Debugging
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 1: Introduction
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 3: More Catalyst Application Development Basics
Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 8: Testing
(DEPRECATED, see Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst)
The Catalyst developer's manual