Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

#!perl -w
use strict;
use Storable qw(dclone);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 06attrs.t - ...
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This test checks the parameters and the values associated with them for
# the three different handles (Driver, Database, Statement)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
use_ok( 'DBI' )
my $using_autoproxy = ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY});
my $dsn = 'dbi:ExampleP:dummy';
# Connect to the example driver.
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', {
PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1,
isa_ok( $dbh, 'DBI::db' );
# Clean up when we're done.
END { $dbh->disconnect if $dbh };
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check the database handle attributes.
# bit flag attr
ok( $dbh->{Warn}, '... checking Warn attribute for dbh');
ok( $dbh->{Active}, '... checking Active attribute for dbh');
ok( $dbh->{AutoCommit}, '... checking AutoCommit attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{CompatMode}, '... checking CompatMode attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{InactiveDestroy}, '... checking InactiveDestroy attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{AutoInactiveDestroy}, '... checking AutoInactiveDestroy attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{PrintError}, '... checking PrintError attribute for dbh');
ok( $dbh->{PrintWarn}, '... checking PrintWarn attribute for dbh'); # true because of perl -w above
ok( $dbh->{RaiseError}, '... checking RaiseError attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{RaiseWarn}, '... checking RaiseWarn attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{ShowErrorStatement}, '... checking ShowErrorStatement attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{ChopBlanks}, '... checking ChopBlanks attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{LongTruncOk}, '... checking LongTrunkOk attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{TaintIn}, '... checking TaintIn attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{TaintOut}, '... checking TaintOut attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{Taint}, '... checking Taint attribute for dbh');
ok(!$dbh->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for dbh');
# other attr
cmp_ok($dbh->{ErrCount}, '==', 0, '... checking ErrCount attribute for dbh');
skip "Kids and ActiveKids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 2 if $DBI::PurePerl;
cmp_ok($dbh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... checking Kids attribute for dbh');;
cmp_ok($dbh->{ActiveKids}, '==', 0, '... checking ActiveKids attribute for dbh');;
is($dbh->{CachedKids}, undef, '... checking CachedKids attribute for dbh');
ok(!defined $dbh->{HandleError}, '... checking HandleError attribute for dbh');
ok(!defined $dbh->{Profile}, '... checking Profile attribute for dbh');
ok(!defined $dbh->{Statement}, '... checking Statement attribute for dbh');
ok(!defined $dbh->{RowCacheSize}, '... checking RowCacheSize attribute for dbh');
ok(!defined $dbh->{ReadOnly}, '... checking ReadOnly attribute for dbh');
is($dbh->{FetchHashKeyName}, 'NAME', '... checking FetchHashKeyName attribute for dbh');
is($dbh->{Name}, 'dummy', '... checking Name attribute for dbh') # fails for Multiplex
unless $using_autoproxy && ok(1);
cmp_ok($dbh->{TraceLevel}, '==', $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF, '... checking TraceLevel attribute for dbh');
cmp_ok($dbh->{LongReadLen}, '==', 80, '... checking LongReadLen attribute for dbh');
is_deeply [ $dbh->FETCH_many(qw(HandleError FetchHashKeyName LongReadLen ErrCount)) ],
[ undef, qw(NAME 80 0) ], 'should be able to FETCH_many';
is $dbh->{examplep_private_dbh_attrib}, 42, 'should see driver-private dbh attribute value';
is delete $dbh->{examplep_private_dbh_attrib}, 42, 'delete on non-private attribute acts like fetch';
is $dbh->{examplep_private_dbh_attrib}, 42, 'value unchanged after delete';
$dbh->{private_foo} = 42;
is $dbh->{private_foo}, 42, 'should see private_foo dbh attribute value';
is delete $dbh->{private_foo}, 42, 'delete should return private_foo dbh attribute value';
is $dbh->{private_foo}, undef, 'value of private_foo after delete should be undef';
# Raise an error.
eval {
$dbh->do('select foo from foo')
like($@, qr/^DBD::\w+::db do failed: Unknown field names: foo/ , '... catching exception');
ok(defined $dbh->err, '... $dbh->err is undefined');
like($dbh->errstr, qr/^Unknown field names: foo\b/, '... checking $dbh->errstr');
is($dbh->state, 'S1000', '... checking $dbh->state');
ok($dbh->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for dbh'); # even though it failed
$dbh->{Executed} = 0; # reset(able)
cmp_ok($dbh->{Executed}, '==', 0, '... checking Executed attribute for dbh (after reset)');
cmp_ok($dbh->{ErrCount}, '==', 1, '... checking ErrCount attribute for dbh (after error was generated)');
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test the driver handle attributes.
my $drh = $dbh->{Driver};
isa_ok( $drh, 'DBI::dr' );
ok($dbh->err, '... checking $dbh->err');
cmp_ok($drh->{ErrCount}, '==', 0, '... checking ErrCount attribute for drh');
ok( $drh->{Warn}, '... checking Warn attribute for drh');
ok( $drh->{Active}, '... checking Active attribute for drh');
ok( $drh->{AutoCommit}, '... checking AutoCommit attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{CompatMode}, '... checking CompatMode attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{InactiveDestroy}, '... checking InactiveDestroy attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{AutoInactiveDestroy}, '... checking AutoInactiveDestroy attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{PrintError}, '... checking PrintError attribute for drh');
ok( $drh->{PrintWarn}, '... checking PrintWarn attribute for drh'); # true because of perl -w above
ok(!$drh->{RaiseError}, '... checking RaiseError attribute for drh');
ok(!$dbh->{RaiseWarn}, '... checking RaiseWarn attribute for dbh');
ok(!$drh->{ShowErrorStatement}, '... checking ShowErrorStatement attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{ChopBlanks}, '... checking ChopBlanks attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{LongTruncOk}, '... checking LongTrunkOk attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{TaintIn}, '... checking TaintIn attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{TaintOut}, '... checking TaintOut attribute for drh');
ok(!$drh->{Taint}, '... checking Taint attribute for drh');
skip "Executed attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
ok($drh->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for drh') # due to the do() above
skip "Kids and ActiveKids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 2 if ($DBI::PurePerl or $dbh->{mx_handle_list});
cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... checking Kids attribute for drh');
cmp_ok($drh->{ActiveKids}, '==', 1, '... checking ActiveKids attribute for drh');
is($drh->{CachedKids}, undef, '... checking CachedKids attribute for drh');
ok(!defined $drh->{HandleError}, '... checking HandleError attribute for drh');
ok(!defined $drh->{Profile}, '... checking Profile attribute for drh');
ok(!defined $drh->{ReadOnly}, '... checking ReadOnly attribute for drh');
cmp_ok($drh->{TraceLevel}, '==', $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF, '... checking TraceLevel attribute for drh');
cmp_ok($drh->{LongReadLen}, '==', 80, '... checking LongReadLen attribute for drh');
is($drh->{FetchHashKeyName}, 'NAME', '... checking FetchHashKeyName attribute for drh');
is($drh->{Name}, 'ExampleP', '... checking Name attribute for drh')
unless $using_autoproxy && ok(1);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test the statement handle attributes.
# Create a statement handle.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select ctime, name from ?");
isa_ok($sth, "DBI::st");
ok(!$sth->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for sth');
ok(!$dbh->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for dbh');
cmp_ok($sth->{ErrCount}, '==', 0, '... checking ErrCount attribute for sth');
# Trigger an exception.
eval {
# we don't check actual opendir error msg because of locale differences
like($@, qr/^DBD::\w+::st execute failed: .*opendir\(foo\): /msi, '... checking exception');
# Test all of the statement handle attributes.
like($sth->errstr, qr/opendir\(foo\): /, '... checking $sth->errstr');
is($sth->state, 'S1000', '... checking $sth->state');
ok($sth->{Executed}, '... checking Executed attribute for sth'); # even though it failed
ok($dbh->{Executed}, '... checking Exceuted attribute for dbh'); # due to $sth->prepare, even though it failed
cmp_ok($sth->{ErrCount}, '==', 1, '... checking ErrCount attribute for sth');
$sth->{ErrCount} = 0;
cmp_ok($sth->{ErrCount}, '==', 0, '... checking ErrCount attribute for sth (after reset)');
# booleans
ok( $sth->{Warn}, '... checking Warn attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{Active}, '... checking Active attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{CompatMode}, '... checking CompatMode attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{InactiveDestroy}, '... checking InactiveDestroy attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{AutoInactiveDestroy}, '... checking AutoInactiveDestroy attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{PrintError}, '... checking PrintError attribute for sth');
ok( $sth->{PrintWarn}, '... checking PrintWarn attribute for sth');
ok( $sth->{RaiseError}, '... checking RaiseError attribute for sth');
ok(!$dbh->{RaiseWarn}, '... checking RaiseWarn attribute for dbh');
ok(!$sth->{ShowErrorStatement}, '... checking ShowErrorStatement attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{ChopBlanks}, '... checking ChopBlanks attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{LongTruncOk}, '... checking LongTrunkOk attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{TaintIn}, '... checking TaintIn attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{TaintOut}, '... checking TaintOut attribute for sth');
ok(!$sth->{Taint}, '... checking Taint attribute for sth');
# common attr
skip "Kids and ActiveKids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 2 if $DBI::PurePerl;
cmp_ok($sth->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... checking Kids attribute for sth');
cmp_ok($sth->{ActiveKids}, '==', 0, '... checking ActiveKids attribute for sth');
ok(!defined $sth->{CachedKids}, '... checking CachedKids attribute for sth');
ok(!defined $sth->{HandleError}, '... checking HandleError attribute for sth');
ok(!defined $sth->{Profile}, '... checking Profile attribute for sth');
ok(!defined $sth->{ReadOnly}, '... checking ReadOnly attribute for sth');
cmp_ok($sth->{TraceLevel}, '==', $DBI::dbi_debug & 0xF, '... checking TraceLevel attribute for sth');
cmp_ok($sth->{LongReadLen}, '==', 80, '... checking LongReadLen attribute for sth');
is($sth->{FetchHashKeyName}, 'NAME', '... checking FetchHashKeyName attribute for sth');
# sth specific attr
ok(!defined $sth->{CursorName}, '... checking CursorName attribute for sth');
cmp_ok($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}, '==', 2, '... checking NUM_OF_FIELDS attribute for sth');
cmp_ok($sth->{NUM_OF_PARAMS}, '==', 1, '... checking NUM_OF_PARAMS attribute for sth');
my $name = $sth->{NAME};
is(ref($name), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of NAME attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$name}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($name, ['ctime', 'name' ], '... checking values returned');
my $name_lc = $sth->{NAME_lc};
is(ref($name_lc), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of NAME_lc attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$name_lc}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($name_lc, ['ctime', 'name' ], '... checking values returned');
my $name_uc = $sth->{NAME_uc};
is(ref($name_uc), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of NAME_uc attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$name_uc}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($name_uc, ['CTIME', 'NAME' ], '... checking values returned');
my $nhash = $sth->{NAME_hash};
is(ref($nhash), 'HASH', '... checking type of NAME_hash attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$nhash})), '==', 2, '... checking number of keys returned');
cmp_ok($nhash->{ctime}, '==', 0, '... checking values returned');
cmp_ok($nhash->{name}, '==', 1, '... checking values returned');
my $nhash_lc = $sth->{NAME_lc_hash};
is(ref($nhash_lc), 'HASH', '... checking type of NAME_lc_hash attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$nhash_lc})), '==', 2, '... checking number of keys returned');
cmp_ok($nhash_lc->{ctime}, '==', 0, '... checking values returned');
cmp_ok($nhash_lc->{name}, '==', 1, '... checking values returned');
my $nhash_uc = $sth->{NAME_uc_hash};
is(ref($nhash_uc), 'HASH', '... checking type of NAME_uc_hash attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$nhash_uc})), '==', 2, '... checking number of keys returned');
cmp_ok($nhash_uc->{CTIME}, '==', 0, '... checking values returned');
cmp_ok($nhash_uc->{NAME}, '==', 1, '... checking values returned');
if (
! $using_autoproxy
# Older Storable does not work properly with tied handles
# Instead of hard-depending on newer Storable, just skip this
# particular test outright
eval { Storable->VERSION("2.16") }
) {
# set ability to set sth attributes that are usually set internally
for $a (qw(NAME NAME_lc NAME_uc NAME_hash NAME_lc_hash NAME_uc_hash)) {
my $v = $sth->{$a};
ok(eval { $sth->{$a} = dclone($sth->{$a}) }, "Can set sth $a");
is_deeply($sth->{$a}, $v, "Can get set sth $a");
my $type = $sth->{TYPE};
is(ref($type), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of TYPE attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$type}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($type, [ 4, 12 ], '... checking values returned');
my $null = $sth->{NULLABLE};
is(ref($null), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of NULLABLE attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$null}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($null, [ 0, 0 ], '... checking values returned');
# Should these work? They don't.
my $prec = $sth->{PRECISION};
is(ref($prec), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of PRECISION attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$prec}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($prec, [ 10, 1024 ], '... checking values returned');
my $scale = $sth->{SCALE};
is(ref($scale), 'ARRAY', '... checking type of SCALE attribute for sth');
cmp_ok(scalar(@{$scale}), '==', 2, '... checking number of elements returned');
is_deeply($scale, [ 0, 0 ], '... checking values returned');
my $params = $sth->{ParamValues};
is(ref($params), 'HASH', '... checking type of ParamValues attribute for sth');
is($params->{1}, 'foo', '... checking values returned');
is($sth->{Statement}, "select ctime, name from ?", '... checking Statement attribute for sth');
ok(!defined $sth->{RowsInCache}, '... checking type of RowsInCache attribute for sth');
is $sth->{examplep_private_sth_attrib}, 24, 'should see driver-private sth attribute value';
# $h->{TraceLevel} tests are in t/09trace.t
note "Checking inheritance\n";
skip "drh->dbh->sth inheritance test skipped with DBI_AUTOPROXY", 2 if $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY};
sub check_inherited {
my ($drh, $attr, $value, $skip_sth) = @_;
local $drh->{$attr} = $value;
local $drh->{PrintError} = 1;
my $dbh = $drh->connect("dummy");
is $dbh->{$attr}, $drh->{$attr}, "dbh $attr value should be inherited from drh";
unless ($skip_sth) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select name from .");
is $sth->{$attr}, $dbh->{$attr}, "sth $attr value should be inherited from dbh";
check_inherited($drh, "ReadOnly", 1, 0);
# end