Data::Peek - A collection of low-level debug functions


Modified and extended wrapper functions to make debugging more pleasurable.

DDumper () is a wrapper around Data::Dumper with always sorted keys. The output is however reflowed and not parsable anymore (in most cases) as the quotation around the keys is removed.

DDump () is a wrapper around perl's core function sv_dump (), which should enable you to use the output instead of the default behavior that only prints to STDERR.

DPeek () is a wrapper around internals Perl_sv_peek

DDump_IO () is a wrapper around perl's core function do_sv_dump (), which acts like sv_dump (), but to a PerlIO stream.


Perl 5.8.0 and up. Some versions of perl on some operating system(s) might not have exported the internals (yet). This module won't build then.

If you run a perl that did not export Perl_sv_peek (), DPeek will not be available. If you happen to encounter that problem, most likely on Windows or AIX, export NO_SV_PEEK=1 will make the build and test pass (I hope)


$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

Recent changes can be (re)viewed in the public GIT repository at

Feel free to clone your own copy:

$ git clone Data-Peek

or get it as a tgz:

 $ wget --output-document=Data-Peek-git.tgz \


H.Merijn Brand <>


Copyright (c) 2008-2012 H.Merijn Brand. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.