Net::Gandi::Hosting::Image - Interface to manage image.
A image describes a system image with an operating system. It is associated with a disk that stores the filesystem. Methods below are read-only they do not modify any data or state.
Perform a image.list
label: Take a string, this a name of the operation system
datacenter_id: Take a integer, this a location of the resource
disk_id: Take a integer, this a id of the disk to use as a source
visibility: Take a string ( public | private | alpha ), who can access this image
os_arch: Take a string ( x86-32 | x86-64 ), CPU architecture this image is made for
author_id: Take a integer, who is the author of this image
Perform a
Params: None
Natal Ngétal, <>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 81:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Ngétal,'. Assuming UTF-8