package MY;
sub manifypods {
my ($self,%attribs) = @_;
my $result = $self->SUPER::manifypods(%attribs);
$result =~ s/^(POD2MAN_EXE\s*=\s*)(.+)$/$1$2 -r "v. $self->{VERSION}" -d "\$(REVISION_DATE)"/m;
return $result;
eval { require Test::More }
or warn<<EOW;
# To test this module, you need to dowload the Test::More module
# from CPAN and install it.
# If you sees this warning, then Test::More is not installed
# on your system.
# This will not prevent Date::Roman from work, the olny drawback is
# that you will not be hable to run the
# make test
# target from the automaticaly generated Makefile.
'NAME' => 'Date::Roman',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Date/Roman.pm', # finds $VERSION
'PREREQ_PM' => {
Roman => 0, #Needed to use Roman numbering
Getopt::Long => 0, #Needed by RomanDate
'EXE_FILES' => [ <bin/*> ],
'macro' => {REVISION_DATE => 'a.d. XI Kal. Mai. MMDCCLV AUC'},
($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
(ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Date/Roman.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
AUTHOR => 'Leo Cacciari aka TheHobbit <thehobbit@altern.org>') : ()),