our $VERSION = '1.2023';
use Class::Method::Modifiers qw(install_modifier);
sub import {
my $target = caller;
my $around = do {no strict 'refs'; \&{"${target}::around"}};
my $fix_args = [];
my $fix_opts = [];
$target, 'around', 'has',
sub {
my ($orig, $attr, %opts) = @_;
return $orig->($attr, %opts)
unless exists $opts{fix_arg} || exists $opts{fix_opt};
$opts{is} //= 'ro';
$opts{init_arg} //= $attr;
my $arg = {key => $opts{init_arg}};
if ($opts{fix_arg}) {
$opts{required} //= 1;
$arg->{collect} = 1 if $opts{fix_arg} eq 'collect';
push @$fix_args, $arg;
delete $opts{fix_arg};
if ($opts{fix_opt}) {
$arg->{collect} = 1 if $opts{fix_opt} eq 'collect';
push @$fix_opts, $arg;
delete $opts{fix_opt};
$orig->($attr, %opts);
sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
return $orig->($self, @_) unless @$fix_args || @$fix_opts;
my $args = {};
for my $arg (@$fix_args) {
last unless @_;
my $key = $arg->{key};
if ($arg->{collect}) {
$args->{$key} = [splice @_, 0, @_];
$args->{$key} = shift;
my $orig_args = $self->$orig(@_);
for my $arg (@$fix_opts) {
my $key = $arg->{key};
if ($arg->{collect}) {
$args->{$key} = $orig_args;
elsif (exists $orig_args->{"-$key"}) {
$args->{$key} = delete $orig_args->{"-$key"};
elsif (exists $orig_args->{$key}) {
$args->{$key} = delete $orig_args->{$key};
=head1 NAME
Catmandu::Fix::Has - helper class for creating Fix-es with (optional) parameters
package Catmandu::Fix::foo;
use Moo;
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;
has greeting => (fix_arg => 1); # required parameter 1
has message => (fix_arg => 1); # required parameter 2
has eol => (fix_opt => 1 , default => sub {'!'} ); # optional parameter 'eol' with default '!'
sub fix {
my ($self,$data) = @_;
print STDERR $self->greeting . ", " . $self->message . $self->eol . "\n";
=over 4
=item fix_arg
Required argument when set to 1. The Fix containing the code fragment below needs
two arguments.
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;
has message => (fix_arg => 1); # required parameter 1
has number => (fix_arg => 1); # required parameter 2
When the fix_arg is set to 'collect', then all arguments are read into an
array. The Fix containing the code fragment below needs at least 1 or more
arguments. All arguments will get collected into the C<messages> array:
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;
has messages => (fix_arg => 'collect'); # required parameter
=item fix_opt
Optional named argument when set to 1. The Fix containing the code fragment
below can have two optional arguments C<message: ...>, C<number: ...>:
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;
has message => (fix_opt => 1); # optional parameter 1
has number => (fix_opt => 1); # optional parameter 2
When the fix_opt is set to 'collect', then all optional argument are read into
an array. The Fix containing the code fragment below needs at least 1 or more
arguments. All arguments will get collected into the C<options> array:
use Catmandu::Fix::Has;
has options => (fix_opt => 'collect'); # optional parameter
=head1 SEE ALSO