# Calculate tile characteristics given a bounding box of coordinates and a zoom...
# Author. John D. Coryat 01/2008...
# USNaviguide LLC.
# Published under Apache 2.0 license.
# Adapted from: Google Maps API Javascript...
# In order to correctly locate objects of interest on a Custom Map Overlay Google Maps,
# the characteristics of each tile to build are required.
# Google_Tiles # Calculate all tiles for a bounding box and zoom
# Google_Tile_Factors # Calculate the factors needed ( Zoom, Tilesize )
# Google_Tile_Calc # Calculate a single tile features from a tile name and zoom
# Google_Tile_to_Pix # Calculate tile name to pixel
# Google_Coord_to_Pix # Calculate coordinate to Pixel
# Google_Pix_to_Tile # Calculate a tile name from a pixel location and zoom
require 5.003 ;
use strict ;
use Exporter ;
use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT) ;
$VERSION = 1.0 ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw (
) ;
# Call as: <array of Hashes> = &Google_Tiles(<LatitudeS>, <LongitudeW>, <LatitudeN>, <LongitudeE>, <Zoom>, [<option: tileSize>], [<option: Partial/Whole>]) ;
# Partial/Whole option: (Default: Partial)
# Partial: Include the edge to create partial tiles
# Whole: Include only tiles that are contained by the bounds
# Returned Array Specifications:
# Each element is a reference to a Hash:
# NAMEY - Tile Name y
# NAMEX - Tile Name x
# PYS - Pixel South
# PXW - Pixel West
# PYN - Pixel North
# PXE - Pixel East
# LATS - South Latitude
# LNGW - West Longitude
# LATN - North Latitude
# LNGE - East Longitude
# Note: X is width, Y is height...
sub Google_Tiles
my $latS = shift ;
my $lngW = shift ;
my $latN = shift ;
my $lngE = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my $tileSize = shift ;
my $parwho = shift ;
my $ty = 0 ;
my $tx = 0 ;
my @ret = ( ) ;
my %first = ( ) ; # First Results Hash
my %last = ( ) ; # Last Results Hash
my $value = &Google_Tile_Factors($zoom, $tileSize) ; # Calculate Tile Factors
if (!defined($parwho) or !$parwho)
$parwho = 'Partial' ;
# NW: Convert Coordinates to Pixels...
($first{'NORTH'},$first{'WEST'}) = &Google_Coord_to_Pix( $value, $latN, $lngW ) ;
# Convert Pixels to Tile Name...
($first{'NAMEY'},$first{'NAMEX'}) = &PixtoTileName( $value, $first{'NORTH'}, $first{'WEST'}, 'N', 'W', $parwho ) ;
# SE: Convert Coordinates to Pixels...
($last{'SOUTH'},$last{'EAST'}) = &Google_Coord_to_Pix( $value, $latS, $lngE ) ;
# Convert Pixels to Tile Name...
($last{'NAMEY'},$last{'NAMEX'}) = &PixtoTileName( $value, $last{'SOUTH'}, $last{'EAST'}, 'S', 'E', $parwho ) ;
# Calculate tile values for all tiles...
if ( $first{'NAMEX'} > $last{'NAMEX'} ) # Across the date line
for ( $ty = $first{'NAMEY'} ; $ty <= $last{'NAMEY'} ; $ty++ )
for ( $tx = $first{'NAMEX'} ; $tx <= $$value{'max'} ; $tx++ )
push( @ret, {&Google_Tile_Calc( $value, $ty, $tx)} ) ;
for ( $tx = 0 ; $tx <= $last{'NAMEX'} ; $tx++ )
push( @ret, {&Google_Tile_Calc( $value, $ty, $tx)} ) ;
} else
for ( $ty = $first{'NAMEY'} ; $ty <= $last{'NAMEY'} ; $ty++ )
for ( $tx = $first{'NAMEX'} ; $tx <= $last{'NAMEX'} ; $tx++ )
push( @ret, {&Google_Tile_Calc( $value, $ty, $tx)} ) ;
$ret[0]{'NORTH'} = $first{'NORTH'} ;
$ret[0]{'WEST'} = $first{'WEST'} ;
$ret[$#ret]{'SOUTH'} = $last{'SOUTH'} ;
$ret[$#ret]{'EAST'} = $last{'EAST'} ;
return ( @ret ) ;
# Calculate Tile Factors...
sub Google_Tile_Factors
my $zoom = shift ;
my $tileSize = shift ;
my %value = ( ) ;
# Validate and correct input parameters...
if ( !defined($zoom) or $zoom < 0 )
$zoom = 0 ;
if ( !defined($tileSize) or !$tileSize )
$tileSize = 256 ;
# Calculate Values...
$value{'zoom'} = $zoom ;
$value{'PI'} = 3.1415926536 ;
$value{'bc'} = 2 * $value{'PI'} ;
$value{'Wa'} = $value{'PI'} / 180 ;
$value{'cp'} = 2 ** ($value{'zoom'} + 8) ;
$value{'max'} = (2 ** $value{'zoom'}) - 1 ; # Maximum Tile Number
$value{'pixLngDeg'}= $value{'cp'} / 360;
$value{'pixLngRad'}= $value{'cp'} / $value{'bc'} ;
$value{'bmO'} = $value{'cp'} / 2 ;
$value{'tileSize'} = $tileSize ;
return \%value ;
# Calculate tile values from Name...
sub Google_Tile_Calc
my %result = ( ) ;
my $value = shift ;
$result{'NAMEY'} = shift ;
$result{'NAMEX'} = shift ;
# Convert Tile Name to Pixels...
($result{'PYN'},$result{'PXW'}) = &Google_Tile_to_Pix( $value, $result{'NAMEY'}, $result{'NAMEX'} ) ;
# Convert Pixels to Coordinates (Upper Left Corner)...
($result{'LATN'},$result{'LNGW'}) = &PixtoCoordinate( $value, $result{'PYN'}, $result{'PXW'} ) ;
$result{'PYS'} = $result{'PYN'} + 255 ;
$result{'PXE'} = $result{'PXW'} + 255 ;
# Convert Pixels to Coordinates (Lower Right Corner)...
($result{'LATS'},$result{'LNGE'}) = &PixtoCoordinate( $value, $result{'PYS'}, $result{'PXE'} ) ;
return %result ;
# Calculate a tile name from a pixel location and zoom...
sub Google_Pix_to_Tile
my $value = shift ;
my $ty = shift ;
my $tx = shift ;
# Convert Pixels to Tile Name...
($ty,$tx) = &PixtoTileName( $value, $ty, $tx, 'N', 'W', 'Partial' ) ;
return ( $ty,$tx ) ;
# Translate a coordinate to a pixel location...
sub Google_Coord_to_Pix
my $value = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $lng = shift ;
my @d = ( ) ;
my $e = 0 ;
$d[1] = sprintf("%0.0f", $$value{'bmO'} + $lng * $$value{'pixLngDeg'} ) ;
$e = sin($lat * $$value{'Wa'}) ;
if( $e > 0.99999 )
$e = 0.99999 ;
if( $e < -0.99999 )
$e = -0.99999 ;
$d[0] = sprintf("%0.0f", $$value{'bmO'} + 0.5 * log((1 + $e) / (1 - $e)) * (-1) * $$value{'pixLngRad'} ) ;
return (@d) ;
# Translate a pixel location to a tile name...
sub PixtoTileName
my $value = shift ;
my $y = shift ;
my $x = shift ;
my $yd = shift ; # Y Direction: N or S
my $xd = shift ; # X Direction: W or E
my $parwho = shift ; # Partial / Whole
my $yn = 0 ; # Y Name
my $xn = 0 ; # X Name
$yn = int( $y / $$value{'tileSize'} ) ; # Round Down
$xn = int( $x / $$value{'tileSize'} ) ; # Round Down
if ( $parwho ne 'Partial' )
if ( $yd eq 'N' )
$yn++ ;
} else
$yn-- ;
if ( $xd eq 'W' )
$xn++ ;
} else
$xn-- ;
# Make sure tile numbers are sane...
if ( $yn > $$value{'max'} )
$yn = $$value{'max'} ;
} elsif ( $yn < 0 )
$yn = 0 ;
if ( $xn > $$value{'max'} )
$xn = $$value{'max'} ;
} elsif ( $xn < 0 )
$xn = 0 ;
return( $yn, $xn ) ;
# Translate a tile name to a pixel location...
sub Google_Tile_to_Pix
my $value = shift ;
my $y = shift ;
my $x = shift ;
return( (sprintf("%0.0f", $y * $$value{'tileSize'} ), sprintf("%0.0f", $x * $$value{'tileSize'} )) ) ;
# Translate a pixel location to a coordinate...
sub PixtoCoordinate
my $value = shift ;
my $y = shift ;
my $x = shift ;
my @d = ( ) ;
my $e = (($y - $$value{'bmO'}) / $$value{'pixLngRad'}) * (-1) ;
$d[1] = sprintf("%0.6f",($x - $$value{'bmO'}) / $$value{'pixLngDeg'}) ;
$d[0] = sprintf("%0.6f", (2 * atan(exp($e)) - $$value{'PI'} / 2) / $$value{'Wa'}) ;
return (@d);
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test Program:
# Google Tile Calculator Test Program...
# Author. John D. Coryat 01/2008 USNaviguide LLC
use strict;
use USNaviguide_Google_Tiles ;
my $latS = 34.177442 ;
my $lngW = -91.318359 ;
my $latN = 35.797300 ;
my $lngE = -88.681641 ;
my $zoom = 8 ;
my $x = '' ;
my %tile = ( ) ;
my $i = 0 ;
my @d = &Google_Tiles($latS, $lngW, $latN, $lngE, $zoom,0,'Whole');
print "Total: " . scalar(@d) . "\n" ;
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $#d; $i++ )
print "Tile # $i Y: $d[$i]{'NAMEY'} X: $d[$i]{'NAMEX'}\n" ;
%tile = %{$d[$i]} ;
foreach $x (sort keys %tile)
print "\t$x: $tile{$x}\n" ;