=head1 NAME
App::CLI::Plugin::Log::Message - for App::CLI::Extension logging module
=head1 VERSION
# MyApp.pm
package MyApp;
use strict;
use base qw(App::CLI::Extension);
# extension method
__PACKAGE__->config(log_message => { private => 1, level => "log", tag => "myapp" });
# MyApp/Hello.pm
package MyApp::Hello;
use strict;
use feature ":5.10.0";
use base qw(App::CLI::Command);
sub run {
my($self, @args) = @_;
$self->log->store("myapp execute start");
$self->log->store("myapp execute end");
foreach my $stack($self->log->retrieve) {
say sprintf("%s ID[%05i]: %s", $stack->when, $stack->id, $stack->message);
# myapp
use strict;
use MyApp;
# execute
[kurt@localhost ~] ./myapp hello
Sun Sep 6 20:43:39 2009 ID[00000]: myapp execute start
Sun Sep 6 20:43:39 2009 ID[00001]: myapp execute end
App::CLI::Extension Log::Message plugin module
log method setting
__PACKAGE__->config( log_message => {%log_message_option} );
use strict;
use 5.008;
our $VERSION = '0.5';
=head2 Log::Message::stringfy_stack
Log::Message stack object to converts a string
# MyApp::Hello(App::CLI::Command base package)
sub run {
my($self, @args) = @_;
$self->log->store("myapp execute start");
$self->log->store(level => "warn", message => "warning message");
$self->log->store(level => "cluck", message => "cluck message");
$self->log->store("myapp execute end");
say $self->log->stringfy_stack;
# for option(same Log::Message#retrieve option)
#say $self->log->stringfy_stack(level => "log");
# execute
[kurt@localhost ~] ./myapp hello 2>/dev/null
Sat Sep 19 00:20:02 2009 log ID:00000000 NONE[3963]: myapp execute start
Sat Sep 19 00:20:02 2009 log ID:00000003 NONE[3963]: myapp execute end
# stringfy_stack verbose option
sub options {
return (
"verbose|v" => "verbose",
sub run {
my($self, @args) = @_;
$self->log->store("myapp execute start");
$self->log->store(level => "warn", message => "warning message");
$self->log->store(level => "cluck", message => "cluck message");
$self->log->store("myapp execute end");
say $self->log->stringfy_stack(level => "log", verbose => $self->{verbose});
# verbose execute
[kurt@localhost ~] ./myapp hello --verbose 2>/dev/null
Sat Sep 19 00:23:07 2009 log ID:00000000 NONE[3968]: at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/Log/Message.pm line 410
Log::Message::store('Log::Message=HASH(0x9b468f0)', 'myapp execute start') called at /home/holly/lib/MyApp/Log.pm line 19
MyApp::Log::run('MyApp::Log=HASH(0x9bb2498)') called at /home/kurt/App/CLI/Plugin/InstallCallback.pm line 183
App::CLI::Plugin::InstallCallback::_run_command('MyApp::Log=HASH(0x9bb2498)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/App/CLI.pm line 79
App::CLI::dispatch('MyApp') called at ./myapp.pl line 8
Sat Sep 19 00:23:07 2009 log ID:00000003 NONE[3968]: at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/Log/Message.pm line 410
Log::Message::store('Log::Message=HASH(0x9b468f0)', 'myapp execute end') called at /home/holly/lib/MyApp/Log.pm line 22
MyApp::Log::run('MyApp::Log=HASH(0x9bb2498)') called at /home/kurt/App/CLI/Plugin/InstallCallback.pm line 183
App::CLI::Plugin::InstallCallback::_run_command('MyApp::Log=HASH(0x9bb2498)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/App/CLI.pm line 79
App::CLI::dispatch('MyApp') called at ./myapp.pl line 8
*Log::Message::stringfy_stack = \&_stringfy_stack;
=head2 Log::Message::Handlers::stderr
Log::Message::Handlers custom message handler
# MyApp::Hello(App::CLI::Command base package)
sub run {
my($self, @args) = @_;
$self->log->store(level => "stderr", message => "myapp execute start");
$self->log->store(level => "stderr", message => "myapp execute end");
*Log::Message::Handlers::stderr = \&_stderr;
=head1 METHOD
=head2 log
return Log::Message object
sub setup {
my $self = shift;
my %log_option = (exists $self->config->{log_message}) ? %{$self->config->{log_message}} : ();
return $self->NEXT::setup;
# Log::Message extended method
sub _stderr {
print STDERR shift->message . "\n";
sub _stringfy_stack {
my($self, %option) = @_;
my @lines = map {
my $message = (exists $option{verbose} && $option{verbose} == 1) ? $_->longmess : $_->message;
sprintf("%s %-8s ID:%08i %s[%i]: %s", $_->when, $_->level, $_->id, $_->tag, $$, $message)
} $self->retrieve(%option);
return join "\n", @lines;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<App::CLI::Extension> L<Class::Data::Accessor> L<Log::Message>
=head1 AUTHOR
Akira Horimoto
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright (C) 2009 Akira Horimoto