WWW::ClickSource - Determine the source of a visit on your website : organic, adwords, facebook, referer site
Version 0.1
Help determine the source of the traffic on your website.
This module tries to do what GoogleAnalytics, Piwik and other monitoring tools do, but it's something you can use on the backend of your application in real time.
This module can be used together with HTTP::BrowserDetect to get an even deeper understanding of where your traffic is generated from.
Can be used in one of two ways
OOP interface :
use WWW::ClickSource;
my $click_source = WWW::ClickSource->new($request);
my $source = $click_source->source();
my $medium = $click_source->medium();
my $campaign = $click_source->campaign();
my $category = $click_source->category();
or using Export
use WWW::ClickSource qw/detect_click_source/;
my %click_info = detect_click_source($request);
The $request argument is one of Catalyst::Request object or a hash ref with the fallowing structure:
host => '',
params => {
param_1 => 'value_1',
param_n => 'value_n',
referer => ''
params contains the query params from the current HTTP request.
Here is an example on how you can use this module, to keep track of where the user came from using your session object
In case we have a new session but the request had another page on your website as a referer (category is 'pageview') we actually want to tag the current page view as being direct traffic. You have to do this yourself because WWW::ClickSource doesn't know the status of your session.
my $click_source = WWW::ClickSource->new($request);
if (! $session->click_source ) {
if ($click_source->category ne "pageview") {
else {
$session->click_source({category => 'direct'});
elsif ($click_source->category ne "pageview") {
Creates a new WWW::ClickSource object
Determine where the user came from based on a request object
Source of the click picked up from utm_source request param or referer domain name
Only available in OOP mode
Medium from which the click originated, usually picked up from utm_medium request param
Only available in OOP mode
Click category, can be one of : direct, paid, referer, pageview
'pageview' means the user came accessed the current page by clicking on a link on another page of the same website. (referer host is the same as your domain name)
Only available in OOP mode
Campaign from which the click originated, usually picked up from utm_campaign request param
Only available in OOP mode
Return a hash containing all the relevant attributes of the current object
Only available in OOP mode
Instance of WWW::ClickSource::Request or a subclass of it, representing the internal request object used to extract the info we need
Only available in OOP mode and if you specify that you want access to the request object using keep_request => 1
my $click_source = WWW::ClickSource->new($request, keep_request => 1);
Gligan Calin Horea, <gliganh at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-session at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::ClickSource
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Copyright 2016 Gligan Calin Horea.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.