Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6 - Interchange6 Shop Plugin for Dancer
Version 0.003
You can use the Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes plugin bundled with this plugin to setup standard routes for:
To enable these routes, you put the shop_setup_routes
keyword at the end of your main module:
package MyShop;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6;
use Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes;
get '/shop' => sub {
Please refer to Dancer::Plugin::Interchange6::Routes for configuration options and further information.
This plugin installs the following hooks:
Add to cart
The functions registered for these hooks receive the cart object and the item to be added as parameters.
- before_cart_add_validate
Triggered before item is validated for adding to the cart.
- before_cart_add
Triggered before item is added to the cart.
- after_cart_add
Triggered after item is added to the cart. Used by DBI backend to save item to the database.
Update cart
The functions registered for these hooks receive the cart object, the current item in the cart and the updated item.
- before_cart_update
Triggered before cart item is updated (changing quantity).
- after_cart_update
Triggered after cart item is updated (changing quantity). Used by DBI backend to update item to the database.
Remove from cart
The functions registered for these hooks receive the cart object and the item to be added as parameters.
- before_cart_remove_validate
Triggered before item is validated for removal. Receives cart object and item SKU.
- before_cart_remove
Triggered before item is removed from the cart. Receives cart object and item.
- after_cart_remove
Triggered after item is removed from the cart. Used by DBI backend to delete item from the database. Receives cart object and item.
Clear cart
- before_cart_clear
Triggered before cart is cleared.
- after_cart_clear
Triggered after cart is cleared.
Rename cart
The functions registered for these hooks receive the cart object, the old name and the new name.
- before_cart_rename
Triggered before cart is renamed.
- after_cart_rename
Triggered after cart is renamed.
The Dancer developers and community for their great application framework and for their quick and competent support.
Copyright 2010-2013 Stefan Hornburg (Racke).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.