Template::Flute - Modern designer-friendly HTML templating Engine
Version 0.0009
use Template::Flute;
my ($cart, $flute, %values);
$cart = [{...},{...}];
$values{cost} = ...
$flute = new Template::Flute(specification_file => 'cart.xml',
template_file => 'cart.html',
iterators => {cart => $cart},
values => \%values,
print $flute->process();
Template::Flute enables you to completely separate web design and programming tasks for dynamic web applications.
Templates are designed to be designer-friendly; there's no inline code or mini templating language for your designers to learn - instead, standard HTML and CSS classes are used, leading to HTML that can easily be understood and edited by WYSIWYG editors and hand-coding designers alike.
An example is easier than a wordy description:
Given the following template snippet:
<div class="customer_name">Mr A Test</div>
<div class="customer_email"></div>
and the following specification:
<specification name="example" description="Example">
<value name="customer_name" />
<value name="email" field="customer_email" />
Processing the above as follows:
$flute = Template::Flute->new(
template_file => 'template.html',
specification_file => 'spec.xml',
customer_name => 'Bob McTest',
email => '',
print $flute->process;
The resulting output would be:
<div class="customer_name">Bob McTest</div>
<div class="email"></div>
In other words, rather than including a templating language within your templates which your designers must master and which could interfere with previews in WYSWYG tools, CSS selectors in the template are tied to your data structures or objects by a specification provided by the programmer.
The easiest way to use Template::Flute is to pass all necessary parameters to the constructor and call the process method to generate the HTML.
You can also break it down in separate steps:
- 1. Parse specification
Parse specification based on your specification format (e.g with Template::Flute::Specification::XML or Template::Flute::Specification::Scoped.).
$xml_spec = new Template::Flute::Specification::XML; $spec = $xml_spec->parse(q{<specification name="cart" description="Cart"> <list name="cart" class="cartitem" iterator="cart"> <param name="name" field="title"/> <param name="quantity"/> <param name="price"/> </list> <value name="cost"/> </specification>});
- 2. Parse template
Parse template with Template::Flute::HTML object.
$template = new Template::Flute::HTML; $template->parse(q{<html> <head> <title>Cart Example</title> </head> <body> <table class="cart"> <tr class="cartheader"> <th>Name</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Price</th> </tr> <tr class="cartitem"> <td class="name">Sample Book</td> <td><input class="quantity" name="quantity" size="3" value="10"></td> <td class="price">$1</td> </tr> <tr class="cartheader"><th colspan="2"></th><th>Total</th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td><td class="cost">$10</td> </tr> </table> </body></html>}, $spec);
- 3. Produce HTML output
$flute = new Template::Flute(template => $template, iterators => {cart => $cart}, values => {cost => '84.94'}); $flute->process();
Create a Template::Flute object with the following parameters:
- specification_file
Specification file name.
- specification_parser
Select specification parser. This can be either the full class name like MyApp::Specification::Parser or the last part for classes residing in the Template::Flute::Specification namespace.
- specification
Specification object or specification as string.
- template_file
HTML template file.
- template
Template::Flute::HTML object or template as string.
- database
Template::Flute::Database::Rose object.
- filters
Hash reference of filter functions.
- i18n
Template::Flute::I18N object.
- iterators
Hash references of iterators.
- values
Hash reference of values to be used by the process method.
- auto_iterators
Builds iterators automatically from values.
process [HASHREF]
Processes HTML template, manipulates the HTML tree based on the specification, values and iterators.
Returns HTML output.
Processes HTML template and returns Template::Flute::HTML object.
Runs the filter named FILTER on VALUE and returns the result.
value NAME
Returns the value for NAME.
set_values HASHREF
Sets hash reference of values to be used by the process method. Same as passing the hash reference as values argument to the constructor.
Returns HTML template object.
Returns specification object.
The specification ties the elements in the HTML template to the data (variables, lists, forms) which is added to the template.
The default format for the specification is XML implemented by the Template::Flute::Specification::XML module. You can use the Config::Scoped format implemented by Template::Flute::Specification::Scoped module or write your own specification parser class.
Possible elements in the specification are:
- container
This container is only shown in the output if the value billing_address is set:
<container name="billing" value="billing_address" class="billingWrapper"> </container>
- list
- param
- value
Value elements are replaced with a single value present in the values hash passed to the constructor of this class or later set with the set_values method.
The following operations are supported for value elements:
- hook
Insert HTML residing in value as subtree of the corresponding HTML element. HTML will be parsed with XML::Twig.
- toggle
Only shows corresponding HTML element if value is set.
- input
- filter
- sort
- i18n
Template::Flute uses iterators to retrieve list elements and insert them into the document tree. This abstraction relieves us from worrying about where the data actually comes from. We basically just need an array of hash references and an iterator class with a next and a count method. For your convenience you can create an iterator from Template::Flute::Iterator class very easily.
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-template-flute at
, or through the web interface at
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Template::Flute
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Thanks to David Previous (bigpresh) for writing a much clearer introduction for Template::Flute.
Thanks to Ton Verhagen for being a big supporter of my projects in all aspects.
Thanks to Terrence Brannon for spotting a documentation mix-up.
Template::Flute was initially named Template::Zoom. I renamed the module because of a request from Matt S. Trout, author of the HTML::Zoom module.
Copyright 2010-2011 Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.