Changes for version 0.0040 - 2012-06-06

    • Add language name filter.
    • Add support for flat trees.
    • Prevent Perl warning on undefined values for append operation.
    • Fix design flaw in filtering where twig method isn't called on second usage of a filter.
    • Reset twig handler variable to prevent filtering of unrelated elements.
    • Add documentation of format option to POD for date filter class.


Modern designer-friendly HTML templating Engine
Configuration file handling for Template::Flute
Container object for Template::Flute templates.
Database abstraction for Template::Flute
Parser for expressions
Filter base class
Preserving line breaks in HTML output
Replaces missing text with no-break space.
Form object for Template::Flute templates.
HTML Template Parser
Class for examining HTML tables
Localization class for Template::Flute
Increment class for Template::Flute
Generic iterator class for Template::Flute
Iterator class for JSON strings and files
Iterator class for Template::Flute
List object for Template::Flute templates.
Specification class for Template::Flute
Config::Scoped Specification Parser
XML Specification Parser
Template::Flute utility functions