Changes for version 0.0112 - 2014-04-02
- Fix empty dropdown produced by value element with scalar iterator.
Process template with Template::Flute on the command line
Modern designer-friendly HTML templating Engine
Configuration file handling for Template::Flute
Container object for Template::Flute templates.
Database abstraction for Template::Flute
Parser for expressions
Filter base class
country name filter
Currency filter for prices
Date filter
Preserving line breaks in HTML output
JSON to Javascript variable filter
language name filter
Replaces missing text with no-break space.
Substitutes literal text in a string.
Strip filter
Uppercase filter
Form object for Template::Flute templates.
HTML Template Parser
Localization class for Template::Flute
Increment class for Template::Flute
Generic iterator class for Template::Flute
Iterator class for JSON strings and files
Iterator class for Template::Flute
List object for Template::Flute templates.
Data::Pager class for Template::Flute
Generic paginator class for Template::Flute
Specification class for Template::Flute
Config::Scoped Specification Parser
XML Specification Parser
URI adjust class for Template::Flute
Template::Flute utility functions