DBSimple::Msql - DBSimple
implementation class for Msql v1 databases
You shouldn't need to use this: all this stuff should be called transparently by DBSimple::DB
or DBSimple::Table
This class attempts to provide permissible equivalents for statements that aren't directly supported by Msql, but will die if you attempt to exceed certain limits : for example, if you do
$table->select('field', [ 1 .. 3 ])
this will be expanded to a where clause like
FIELD = 1 or FIELD = 2 or FIELD = 3
but if you were to do:
$table->select('field', [ 1 .. 100 ])
it will give up.
If the environment variable SQL_DEBUG is defined, each SQL statement will be warned to STDERR.
Try to keep up with future changes to DBSimple::Table
v0.04 Hugo 29/3/97
cleaned up some for external release
v0.03 Hugo 3/3/97
optimisations on insert
v0.02 Hugo 25/2/97
add 'exists' method, remove 'dropif' method
'insert' method now accepts data as objects or arrayrefs
fixed int/real writers to translate undef to 'NULL'
v0.01 written by Hugo before 15/11/96