Catalyst::View::Tenjin - Tenjin view class for Catalyst.


	# create your view
	package MyApp::View::Tenjin;

	use strict;
	use base 'Catalyst::View::Tenjin';

	# set configuration, here or in your app's config file,
	# if you don't want to use strict you don't have to.
		USE_STRICT => 1,
		INCLUDE_PATH => [ MyApp->path_to('root', 'templates') ],

	# render view from lib/ or lib/

	sub message : Global {
		my ($self, $c) = @_;

		$c->stash->{template} = 'message.html';
		$c->stash->{message}  = 'Hello World!';

	# access variables from template

    The message is: [== $message =].
    # example when CATALYST_VAR is set to 'Catalyst'
    Context is [== $Catalyst =]          
    The base is [== $Catalyst->req->base =] 
    The name is [== $Catalyst->config->name =] 
    # example when CATALYST_VAR isn't set
    Context is [== $c =]
    The base is [== $base =]
    The name is [== $name =]

	# you can also embed Perl
	<?pl if ($c->action->namespace eq 'admin') { ?>
		<h1>admin is not implemented yet</h1>
	<?pl } ?>


This is the Catalyst view class for the Tenjin. Your application should defined a view class which is a subclass of this module. There is no helper script to create this class automatically, but you can do so easily as described in the synopsis.

Now you can modify your action handlers in the main application and/or controllers to forward to your view class. You might choose to do this in the end() method, for example, to automatically forward all actions to the Tenjin view class.

# In MyApp or MyApp::Controller::SomeController

sub end : Private {
    my( $self, $c ) = @_;


To configure your view class, you can call the config() method in the view subclass. This happens when the module is first loaded.

    package MyApp::View::Tenjin;
    use strict;
    use base 'Catalyst::View::Tenjin';

		USE_STRICT => 1,
		INCLUDE_PATH => [ MyApp->path_to('root', 'templates') ],

You can also define a class item in your main application configuration, again by calling the uniquitous config() method. The items in the class hash are added to those already defined by the above two methods. This happens in the base class new() method (which is one reason why you must remember to call it via MRO::Compat if you redefine the new() method in a subclass).

    package MyApp;
    use strict;
    use Catalyst;
        name     => 'MyApp',
        root     => MyApp->path_to('root'),
        'View::Tenjin' => {
			USE_STRICT => 1,
			INCLUDE_PATH => [ MyApp->path_to('root', 'templates') ],


Sometimes it is desirable to modify INCLUDE_PATH for your templates at run time.

Additional paths can be added to the start of INCLUDE_PATH via the stash as follows:

$c->stash->{additional_template_paths} =
    [$c->config->{root} . '/test_include_path'];

If you need to add paths to the end of INCLUDE_PATH, there is also an include_path() accessor available:

push( @{ $c->view('Tenjin')->include_path }, qw/path/ );

Note that if you use include_path() to add extra paths to INCLUDE_PATH, you MUST check for duplicate paths. Without such checking, the above code will add "path" to INCLUDE_PATH at every request, causing a memory leak.

A safer approach is to use include_path() to overwrite the array of paths rather than adding to it. This eliminates both the need to perform duplicate checking and the chance of a memory leak:

@{ $c->view('Tenjin')->include_path } = qw/path another_path/;

If you are calling render directly then you can specify dynamic paths by having a additional_template_paths key with a value of additonal directories to search. See "CAPTURING TEMPLATE OUTPUT" for an example showing this.


The view plugin renders the template specified in the template item in the stash.

sub message : Global {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{template} = 'message.html';

If a stash item isn't defined, then it instead uses the stringification of the action dispatched to (as defined by $c->action) in the above example, this would be message, but because the default is to append '.html', it would load root/message.html.

The items defined in the stash are passed to Tenjin for use as template variables.

sub default : Private {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{template} = 'message.html';
    $c->stash->{message}  = 'Hello World!';

A number of other template variables are also added:

$c      A reference to the context object, $c
$base   The URL base, from $c->req->base()
$name   The application name, from $c->config->{name}

These can be accessed from the template in the usual way:


The message is: [== $message =]
The base is [== $base =]
The name is [== $name =]

The output generated by the template is stored in $c->response->body.


Catalyst::View::Tenjin adds an easy method for providing your own templates, such that you do not have to use template files stored on the file system. For example, you can use templates stored on a DBIx::Class schema. This is similar to Template Toolkit's provider modules, which for some reason I never managed to get working. You can register templates with your application, and use them on the fly. For example:

# check if the template was already registered
unless ($c->view('Tenjin')->check_tmpl($template_name)) {
	# Load the template
	my $tmpl = $c->model('DB::Templates')->find($template_name);
	$c->view('Tenjin')->register($template_name, $tmpl->content);


If you wish to use the output of a template for some other purpose than displaying in the response, you can use the render method. For example, use can use it was Catalyst::Plugin::Email:

sub send_email : Local {
	my ($self, $c) = @_;

		header => [
			To      => 'me@localhost',
			Subject => 'A TT Email',
		body => $c->view('Tenjin')->render($c, 'email.html', {
			additional_template_paths => [ $c->config->{root} . '/email_templates'],
			email_tmpl_param1 => 'foo'
	# Redirect or display a message



The constructor for the Tenjin view. Sets up the template provider, and reads the application config.


Renders the template specified in $c->stash->{template} or $c->action (the private name of the matched action. Calls render to perform actual rendering. Output is stored in $c->response->body.

render($c, $template, \%args)

Renders the given template and returns output, or throws an exception if an error was encountered.

$template is the name of the template you wish to render. If this template was not registered with the view yet, it will be searched for in the directories set in the INCLUDE_PATH option.

The template variables are set to %$args if $args is a hashref, or $$c->stash otherwise. In either case the variables are augmented with base set to << $c-req->base >>, c to $c and name to $c->config->{name}. Alternately, the CATALYST_VAR configuration item can be defined to specify the name of a template variable through which the context reference ($c) can be accessed. In this case, the c, base and name variables are omitted.

register($tmpl_name, $tmpl_content)

Registers a template with the view from an arbitrary source, for immediate usage in the application. $tmpl_name is the name of the template, used to distinguish it from others. $tmpl_content is the body of the template.


Checks if a template named $template_name was already registered with the view. Returns 1 if yes, undef if no.


Returns a list of keys/values to be used as the catalyst variables in the template.


Tenjin, Catalyst, Catalyst::View::TT


Ido Perelmutter <>. This module was adapted from Catalyst::View::TT, so most of the code and even the documentation belongs to the authors of Catalyst::View::TT.


Copyright (c) 2009 the aforementioned authors.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.