Changes for version 0.001007 - 2011-07-04
- Bugfix: response object now does not get text/html content type on initialization as it is not necessarily true
- Bugfix: when running a leyland app the initial summary table prints route regexes as-is since perl 5.14 changes the way regex variables are printed stringwise
- When an exception is thrown and app is running on the deployment environment, if client accepts html and exception was not defined an html template - leyland lets Plack's StackTrace middleware handle the exception and print a nice stack trace
Leyland application generator
Manual for the Leyland web application framework
Leyland application structure and creation
Creating Leyland controllers
How to deploy Leyland applications
How to throw HTTP exceptions with Leyland
How to extend Leyland
Frequently asked questions about Leyland
Localizing Leyland applications
How to use a log in Leyland applications
How to use models in Leyland applications
How to serve static files from your application
Using Leyland view classes
Plack-based framework for RESTful web applications
Application logic for the 'leyland' command line application
Base class for 'leyland' command line application commands
Logic for the 'app' command of the 'leyland' command line app, creates a new Leyland-based application
The working environment of an HTTP request and Leyland response
Leyland controller base class
Throwable class for Leyland application exceptions
Wrapper for the Locale::Wolowitz localization system for Leyland apps
Logging facilities for Leyland application
Use Log::Dispatch as your app's logger
Use Log::Handler as your app's logger
Default logger, logs to STDERR
Performs HTTP negotiations for Leyland requests
Provides the sweet REST syntax for Leyland controller routes
Parses route definitions in Leyland controllers
Leyland view base class
Tenjin view class for Leyland