Changes for version 0.9 - 2011-07-16

  • New features
    • Created a very-simple (and experimental) connection pool under the new MongoDBx::Class::ConnectionPool role class, with two implementations called Backup Pool and Rotated Pool. See the documentation of the MongoDBx::Class::pool() method for more information.
    • Changed MongoDBx::Class::Cursor->next() such that it takes an option to return the document as is (i.e. as a hash-ref) without expanding it (will be used internally by MongoDBx::Class at a later version).
  • Bug fixes
    • MongoDBx::Class::Document::update(), when called with an update hash-ref, will return the output of MongoDB::Collection->update() as expected (did not do that before causing a false value to be returned even if update succeeded).


Tutorial for using MongoDBx::Class


Flexible ORM for MongoDB databases
A MongoDBx::Class collection object
A connection to a MongoDB server
A simple connection pool for MongoDBx::Class
A simple connection pool with a backup connection
A simple connection pool with rotated connections
A MongoDBx::Class cursor/iterator object for query results
A MongoDBx::Class database object
A MongoDBx::Class document role
A MongoDBx::Class embedded (sub-)document role
Attribute traits provided by MongoDBx::Class
Extends Moose with common relationships for MongoDBx::Class documents
A Moose role for automatically expanded and collapsed document attributes.
An automatic DateTime parser for MongoDBx::Class document classes
An embedded document representing a reference to a different document (thus establishing a relationship)


in lib/MongoDBx/Class/Meta/
in lib/MongoDBx/Class/Meta/