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=head1 NAME
SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint - SQL::Translator constraint object
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint;
my $constraint = SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint->new(
name => 'foo',
fields => [ id ],
type => PRIMARY_KEY,
C<SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint> is the constraint object.
=head1 METHODS
use Moo;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(ex2err throw);
use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub);
our $VERSION = '1.59_01';
=head2 new
Object constructor.
my $schema = SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint->new(
table => $table, # table to which it belongs
type => 'foreign_key', # type of table constraint
name => 'fk_phone_id', # name of the constraint
fields => 'phone_id', # field in the referring table
reference_fields => 'phone_id', # referenced field
reference_table => 'phone', # referenced table
match_type => 'full', # how to match
on_delete => 'cascade', # what to do on deletes
on_update => '', # what to do on updates
# Override to remove empty arrays from args.
# t/14postgres-parser breaks without this.
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $args = $self->$orig(@_);
foreach my $arg (keys %{$args}) {
delete $args->{$arg} if ref($args->{$arg}) eq "ARRAY" && !@{$args->{$arg}};
if (exists $args->{fields}) {
$args->{field_names} = delete $args->{fields};
return $args;
=head2 deferrable
Get or set whether the constraint is deferrable. If not defined,
then returns "1." The argument is evaluated by Perl for True or
False, so the following are equivalent:
$deferrable = $field->deferrable(0);
$deferrable = $field->deferrable('');
$deferrable = $field->deferrable('0');
has deferrable => (
is => 'rw',
coerce => quote_sub(q{ $_[0] ? 1 : 0 }),
default => quote_sub(q{ 1 }),
=head2 expression
Gets and set the expression used in a CHECK constraint.
my $expression = $constraint->expression('...');
has expression => ( is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ '' }) );
around expression => sub {
my ($orig, $self, $arg) = @_;
$self->$orig($arg || ());
sub is_valid {
=head2 is_valid
Determine whether the constraint is valid or not.
my $ok = $constraint->is_valid;
my $self = shift;
my $type = $self->type or return $self->error('No type');
my $table = $self->table or return $self->error('No table');
my @fields = $self->fields or return $self->error('No fields');
my $table_name = $table->name or return $self->error('No table name');
for my $f ( @fields ) {
next if $table->get_field( $f );
return $self->error(
"Constraint references non-existent field '$f' ",
"in table '$table_name'"
my $schema = $table->schema or return $self->error(
'Table ', $table->name, ' has no schema object'
if ( $type eq FOREIGN_KEY ) {
return $self->error('Only one field allowed for foreign key')
if scalar @fields > 1;
my $ref_table_name = $self->reference_table or
return $self->error('No reference table');
my $ref_table = $schema->get_table( $ref_table_name ) or
return $self->error("No table named '$ref_table_name' in schema");
my @ref_fields = $self->reference_fields or return;
return $self->error('Only one field allowed for foreign key reference')
if scalar @ref_fields > 1;
for my $ref_field ( @ref_fields ) {
next if $ref_table->get_field( $ref_field );
return $self->error(
"Constraint from field(s) ".
join(', ', map {qq['$table_name.$_']} @fields).
" to non-existent field '$ref_table_name.$ref_field'"
elsif ( $type eq CHECK_C ) {
return $self->error('No expression for CHECK') unless
return 1;
=head2 fields
Gets and set the fields the constraint is on. Accepts a string, list or
arrayref; returns an array or array reference. Will unique the field
names and keep them in order by the first occurrence of a field name.
The fields are returned as Field objects if they exist or as plain
names if not. (If you just want the names and want to avoid the Field's overload
magic use L</field_names>).
Returns undef or an empty list if the constraint has no fields set.
$constraint->fields('id', 'name');
$constraint->fields( 'id, name' );
$constraint->fields( [ 'id', 'name' ] );
$constraint->fields( qw[ id name ] );
my @fields = $constraint->fields;
sub fields {
my $self = shift;
my $table = $self->table;
my @fields = map { $table->get_field($_) || $_ } @{$self->field_names(@_) || []};
return wantarray ? @fields
: @fields ? \@fields
: undef;
=head2 field_names
Read-only method to return a list or array ref of the field names. Returns undef
or an empty list if the constraint has no fields set. Useful if you want to
avoid the overload magic of the Field objects returned by the fields method.
my @names = $constraint->field_names;
with ListAttr field_names => ( uniq => 1, undef_if_empty => 1 );
=head2 match_type
Get or set the constraint's match_type. Only valid values are "full"
"partial" and "simple"
my $match_type = $constraint->match_type('FULL');
has match_type => (
is => 'rw',
default => quote_sub(q{ '' }),
coerce => quote_sub(q{ lc $_[0] }),
isa => enum([qw(full partial simple)], {
msg => "Invalid match type: %s", allow_false => 1,
around match_type => \&ex2err;
=head2 name
Get or set the constraint's name.
my $name = $constraint->name('foo');
has name => ( is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ '' }) );
around name => sub {
my ($orig, $self, $arg) = @_;
$self->$orig($arg || ());
=head2 options
Gets or adds to the constraints's options (e.g., "INITIALLY IMMEDIATE").
Returns an array or array reference.
my @options = $constraint->options;
with ListAttr options => ();
=head2 on_delete
Get or set the constraint's "on delete" action.
my $action = $constraint->on_delete('cascade');
has on_delete => ( is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ '' }) );
around on_delete => sub {
my ($orig, $self, $arg) = @_;
$self->$orig($arg || ());
=head2 on_update
Get or set the constraint's "on update" action.
my $action = $constraint->on_update('no action');
has on_update => ( is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ '' }) );
around on_update => sub {
my ($orig, $self, $arg) = @_;
$self->$orig($arg || ());
=head2 reference_fields
Gets and set the fields in the referred table. Accepts a string, list or
arrayref; returns an array or array reference.
$constraint->reference_fields('id', 'name');
$constraint->reference_fields( 'id, name' );
$constraint->reference_fields( [ 'id', 'name' ] );
$constraint->reference_fields( qw[ id name ] );
my @reference_fields = $constraint->reference_fields;
with ListAttr reference_fields => (
may_throw => 1,
builder => 1,
lazy => 1,
sub _build_reference_fields {
my ($self) = @_;
my $table = $self->table or throw('No table');
my $schema = $table->schema or throw('No schema');
if ( my $ref_table_name = $self->reference_table ) {
my $ref_table = $schema->get_table( $ref_table_name ) or
throw("Can't find table '$ref_table_name'");
if ( my $constraint = $ref_table->primary_key ) {
return [ $constraint->fields ];
else {
'No reference fields defined and cannot find primary key in ',
"reference table '$ref_table_name'"
=head2 reference_table
Get or set the table referred to by the constraint.
my $reference_table = $constraint->reference_table('foo');
has reference_table => ( is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ '' }) );
=head2 table
Get or set the constraint's table object.
my $table = $field->table;
has table => ( is => 'rw', isa => schema_obj('Table'), weak_ref => 1 );
around table => \&ex2err;
=head2 type
Get or set the constraint's type.
my $type = $constraint->type( PRIMARY_KEY );
has type => (
is => 'rw',
default => quote_sub(q{ '' }),
coerce => quote_sub(q{ (my $t = $_[0]) =~ s/_/ /g; uc $t }),
isa => enum([keys %VALID_CONSTRAINT_TYPE], {
msg => "Invalid constraint type: %s", allow_false => 1,
around type => \&ex2err;
=head2 equals
Determines if this constraint is the same as another
my $isIdentical = $constraint1->equals( $constraint2 );
around equals => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
my $case_insensitive = shift;
my $ignore_constraint_names = shift;
return 0 unless $self->$orig($other);
return 0 unless $self->type eq $other->type;
unless ($ignore_constraint_names) {
return 0 unless $case_insensitive ? uc($self->name) eq uc($other->name) : $self->name eq $other->name;
return 0 unless $self->deferrable eq $other->deferrable;
#return 0 unless $self->is_valid eq $other->is_valid;
return 0 unless $case_insensitive ? uc($self->table->name) eq uc($other->table->name)
: $self->table->name eq $other->table->name;
return 0 unless $self->expression eq $other->expression;
# Check fields, regardless of order
my %otherFields = (); # create a hash of the other fields
foreach my $otherField ($other->fields) {
$otherField = uc($otherField) if $case_insensitive;
$otherFields{$otherField} = 1;
foreach my $selfField ($self->fields) { # check for self fields in hash
$selfField = uc($selfField) if $case_insensitive;
return 0 unless $otherFields{$selfField};
delete $otherFields{$selfField};
# Check all other fields were accounted for
return 0 unless keys %otherFields == 0;
# Check reference fields, regardless of order
my %otherRefFields = (); # create a hash of the other reference fields
foreach my $otherRefField ($other->reference_fields) {
$otherRefField = uc($otherRefField) if $case_insensitive;
$otherRefFields{$otherRefField} = 1;
foreach my $selfRefField ($self->reference_fields) { # check for self reference fields in hash
$selfRefField = uc($selfRefField) if $case_insensitive;
return 0 unless $otherRefFields{$selfRefField};
delete $otherRefFields{$selfRefField};
# Check all other reference fields were accounted for
return 0 unless keys %otherRefFields == 0;
return 0 unless $case_insensitive ? uc($self->reference_table) eq uc($other->reference_table) : $self->reference_table eq $other->reference_table;
return 0 unless $self->match_type eq $other->match_type;
return 0 unless $self->on_delete eq $other->on_delete;
return 0 unless $self->on_update eq $other->on_update;
return 0 unless $self->_compare_objects(scalar $self->options, scalar $other->options);
return 0 unless $self->_compare_objects(scalar $self->extra, scalar $other->extra);
return 1;
# Must come after all 'has' declarations
around new => \&ex2err;
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.