MP3::Splitter - Perl extension for splitting MP3 files
use MP3::Splitter;
mp3split('xx.mp3', {verbose => 1}, [3, 356.25], [389, 615, lax => 10]);
mp3split_read('xx.mp3', 'xx.list', {verbose => 1});
The first two arguments of mp3split() is a name of an MP3 file and a reference to a hash of options, the remaining are descriptions of pieces. Such a description is an array reference with the start and duration of the piece (in seconds; or of the forms 03h05m56.45
, 03h05m56.45s
, or 03:05:56.45
; any of the hours/minutes/seconds fields can be omited if the result is not ambiguous. Alternatively, one can specify the start field as a relative position w.r.t. the end of previous piece (or start of file); to do this, prepend >
to the field. Similarly, one can put end-of-the-piece in the duration field by prepending the time by =
; if this field has a special value 'INF'
, it is assumed to go until the start of the next piece, or until the audio ends. The remaining elements of a piece description should form a hash of piece-specific options (arbitrary user data can be stored with the key user
Similarly, mp3split_read() takes names of an MP3 file and of a file with the description of pieces, followed by optional reference to a hash of options. Each line of the description file should be either empty (except comments), or have the form
and END
are exactly the same as in the description of pieces for mp3split(); however, END may be omited (with the same meaning as 'INF'
). Note that this is a format of method output_blocks() of Audio::FindChunks.
The following callback options should be function references with signatures
piece_name($pieceNum, $mp3name, $piece, $Xing, $opts);
prepend($pieceNum, $mp3name, $piece, $Xing, $opts,
$pieceFileName, $pieceFileHandle);
append( $mp3name, $piece, $pieceNum, $cur_total_time, $piece_time,
$pieceFileName, $cur_total_frames, $piece_frames,
$xing_written, $Xing, $opts, $pieceFileHandle);
after_write($mp3name, $piece, $pieceNum, $cur_total_time, $piece_time,
$piece_name, $cur_total_frames, $piece_frames,
$xing_written, $Xing, $opts);
$pieceNum is 1 for the first piece to write. The default value of piece_name
callback uses the piece names of the form "03_initial_name.mp3", by default the other callbacks are NO-OPs. The prepend
and append
callback can actually write data (with a buffered write) to filehandle, or return the string to write.
If keep_Xing
option is true, and the initial file contained an Xing frame, an Xing frame with estimated values for the number of frames and the length of the output file is emited; if update_Xing
option is true, this frame is updated to reflect actual size of the piece (and positions of 99 intermediate moments) when the piece is finished. Both these options default to TRUE.
Other recognized options: verbose
, overwrite
and lax
; the last one means the how early the mp3 file can end before the end of the last chunk so that an error condition is not rised; the default is 0.02 (in sec). If overwrite
is false (default), it is a fatal error if a fail with a target name exists.
Ilya Zakharevich, <>
Lousely based on code of mp3cut
by Johan Vromans <>.
Copyright (C) 2004 by Ilya Zakharevich
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.