use strict;
use Fcntl;
use vars qw /$VERSION @ISA/;
@ISA = 'MP3::Tag::__hasparent';
=head1 NAME
MP3::Tag::File - Module for reading / writing files
my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);
($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename();
see L<MP3::Tag>
MP3::Tag::File is designed to be called from the MP3::Tag module.
It offers possibilities to read/write data from files via read(), write(),
truncate(), seek(), tell(), open(), close(); one can find the filename via
the filename() method.
=over 4
# Constructor
sub new_with_parent {
my ($class, $filename, $parent) = @_;
return undef unless -f $filename;
return bless {filename => $filename, parent => $parent}, $class;
*new = \&new_with_parent; # Obsolete handler
# Destructor
my $self=shift;
if (exists $self->{FH} and defined $self->{FH}) {
# File subs
sub filename { shift->{filename} }
sub open {
my $self=shift;
my $mode= shift;
if (defined $mode and $mode =~ /w/i) {
$mode=O_RDWR; # read/write mode
} else {
$mode=O_RDONLY; # read only mode
unless (exists $self->{FH}) {
local *FH;
if (sysopen (FH, $self->filename, $mode)) {
$self->{FH} = *FH;
binmode $self->{FH};
} else {
warn "Open $self->filename() failed: $!\n";
return exists $self->{FH};
sub close {
my $self=shift;
if (exists $self->{FH}) {
close $self->{FH};
delete $self->{FH};
sub write {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
if (exists $self->{FH}) {
local $\ = '';
print {$self->{FH}} $data;
sub truncate {
my ($self, $length) = @_;
if ($length<0) {
my @stat = stat $self->{FH};
$length = $stat[7] + $length;
if (exists $self->{FH}) {
truncate $self->{FH}, $length;
sub seek {
my ($self, $pos, $whence)=@_;
$self->open unless exists $self->{FH};
seek $self->{FH}, $pos, $whence;
sub tell {
my ($self, $pos, $whence)=@_;
return undef unless exists $self->{FH};
return tell $self->{FH};
sub read {
my ($self, $buf_, $length) = @_;
$self->open unless exists $self->{FH};
return read $self->{FH}, $$buf_, $length;
sub is_open {
return exists shift->{FH};
# keep the old name
*isOpen = \&is_open;
# read and decode the header of the mp3 part of the file
# the raw content of the header fields is stored, the values
# are not interpreted in any way (e.g. layer==3 means 'Layer I'
# as specified in the mp3 format)
sub get_mp3_frame_header {
my ($self, $start) = @_;
$start = 0 unless $start;
if (exists $self->{mp3header}) {
return $self->{mp3header};
$self->seek($start, 0);
my ($data, $bits)="";
while (1) {
my $nextdata;
$self->read(\$nextdata, 512);
return unless $nextdata; # no header found
$data .= $nextdata;
if ($data =~ /(\xFF[\xE0-\xFF]..)/) {
$bits = unpack("B32", $1);
$data = substr $data, -3
my @fields;
for (qw/11 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2/) {
push @fields, oct "0b" . substr $bits, 0, $_;
$bits = substr $bits, $_ if length $bits > $_;
for (qw/sync version layer proctection bitrate_id sampling_rate_id padding private
channel_mode mode_ext copyright original emphasis/) {
$self->{mp3header}->{$_}=shift @fields;
return $self->{mp3header}
# use filename to determine information about song/artist/album
=item parse_filename()
($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year) = $mp3->parse_filename($what, $filename);
parse_filename() tries to extract information about artist, title, track number,
album and year from the filename. (For backward compatibility it may be also
called by deprecated name read_filename().)
This is likely to fail for a lot of filenames, especially the album will
be often wrongly guessed, as the name of the parent directory is taken as
album name.
$what and $filename are optional. $what maybe title, track, artist, album
or year. If $what is defined parse_filename() will return only this element.
If $filename is defined this filename will be used and not the real filename
which was set by L<MP3::Tag> with C<MP3::Tag->new($filename)>.
Following formats will be hopefully recognized:
- album name/artist name - song name.mp3
- album_name/artist_name-song_name.mp3
- album name/(artist name) song name.mp3
- album name/01. artist name - song name.mp3
- album name/artist name - 01 -
If artist or title end in C<(NUMBER)> with 4-digit NUMBER, it is considered
the year.
*read_filename = \&parse_filename;
sub return_parsed {
my ($self,$what) = @_;
if (defined $what) {
return $self->{parsed}{album} if $what =~/^al/i;
return $self->{parsed}{artist} if $what =~/^a/i;
return $self->{parsed}{no} if $what =~/^tr/i;
return $self->{parsed}{year} if $what =~/^y/i;
return $self->{parsed}{title};
return $self->{parsed} unless wantarray;
return map $self->{parsed}{$_} , qw(title artist no album year);
sub parse_filename {
my ($self,$what,$filename) = @_;
$filename = $self->filename unless defined $filename;
my $pathandfile = $filename;
$self->return_parsed($what) if exists $self->{parsed_filename}
and $self->{parsed_filename} eq $filename;
# prepare pathandfile for easier use
my $ext_rex = $self->get_config('extension')->[0];
$pathandfile =~ s/$ext_rex//; # remove extension
$pathandfile =~ s/ +/ /g; # replace several spaces by one space
# Keep two last components of the file name
my ($file, $path) = fileparse($pathandfile, "");
($path) = fileparse($path, "");
my $orig_file = $file;
# check which chars are used for seperating words
# assumption: spaces between words
unless ($file =~/ /) {
# no spaces used, find word seperator
my $Ndot = $file =~ tr/././;
my $Nunderscore = $file =~ tr/_/_/;
my $Ndash = $file =~ tr/-/-/;
if (($Ndot>$Nunderscore) && ($Ndot>1)) {
$file =~ s/\./ /g;
elsif ($Nunderscore > 1) {
$file =~ s/_/ /g;
elsif ($Ndash>2) {
$file =~ s/-/ /g;
# check wich chars are used for seperating parts
# assumption: " - " is used
my $partsep = " - ";
unless ($file =~ / - /) {
if ($file =~ /-/) {
$partsep = "-";
} elsif ($file =~ /^\(.*\)/) {
# replace brackets by -
$file =~ s/^\((.*?)\)/$1 - /;
$file =~ s/ +/ /;
$partsep = " - ";
} elsif ($file =~ /_/) {
$partsep = "_";
} else {
$partsep = "DoesNotExist";
# get parts of name
my ($title, $artist, $no, $album, $year)=("","","","","");
# try to find a track-number in front of filename
if ($file =~ /^ *(\d+)[\W_]/) {
$no=$1; # store number
$file =~ s/^ *\d+//; # and delete it
$file =~ s/^$partsep// || $file =~ s/^.//;
$file =~ s/^ +//;
$file =~ s/_+/ /g unless $partsep =~ /_/; #remove underscore unless they are needed for part seperation
my @parts = split /$partsep/, $file;
if (@parts == 1) {
$no = $file if $title and $title =~ /^\d{1,2}$/;
} elsif (@parts == 2) {
if ($parts[0] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) {
$no = $parts[0];
$title = $file;
} elsif ($parts[1] =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) {
$no = $parts[1];
$title = $file;
} else {
} elsif (@parts > 2) {
my $temp = "";
$artist = shift @parts;
foreach (@parts) {
if (/^ *(\d+)\.? *$/) {
$artist.= $partsep . $temp if $temp;
} else {
$temp .= $partsep if $temp;
$temp .= $_;
$title =~ s/ +$//;
$artist =~ s/ +$//;
$no =~ s/ +$//;
# Special-case names like audio12 etc created by some software
# (cdda2wav, gramofile, etc)
$no = $+ if not $no and $title =~ /^(\d+)?(?:audio|track|processed)\s*(\d+)?$/i and $+;
$no =~ s/^0+//;
if ($path) {
unless ($artist) {
$artist = $path;
} else {
$album = $path;
# Keep the year in the title/artist (XXXX Should we?)
$year = $1 if $title =~ /\((\d{4})\)/ or $artist =~ /\((\d{4})\)/;
$self->{parsed_filename} = $filename;
$self->{parsed} = { artist=>$artist, song=>$title, no=>$no,
album=>$album, title=>$title, year => $year};
=item title()
$title = $mp3->title($filename);
Returns the title, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename(). (For
backward compatibility, can be called by deprecated name song().)
$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.
*song = \&title;
sub title {
my $self = shift;
return $self->parse_filename("title", @_);
=item artist()
$artist = $mp3->artist($filename);
Returns the artist name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()
$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.
sub artist {
my $self = shift;
return $self->parse_filename("artist", @_);
=item track()
$track = $mp3->track($filename);
Returns the track number, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()
$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.
sub track {
my $self = shift;
return $self->parse_filename("track", @_);
=item year()
$year = $mp3->year($filename);
Returns the year, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()
$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.
sub year {
my $self = shift;
my $y = $self->parse_filename("year", @_);
return $y if length $y;
=item album()
$album = $mp3->album($filename);
Returns the album name, guessed from the filename. See also parse_filename()
The album name is guessed from the parent directory, so it is very likely to fail.
$filename is optional and will be used instead of the real filename if defined.
sub album {
my $self = shift;
return $self->parse_filename("album", @_);
=item comment()
$comment = $mp3->comment($filename); # Always undef
sub comment {}
=item genre()
$genre = $mp3->genre($filename); # Always undef
sub genre {}