Revision history for Perl extension Numeric::LL_Array.
0.01 Wed Nov 30 17:55:12 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-b 5.8.7 -Afn Numeric::Array
First (stubbish) accessor works.
0.02 Regularization of internal typing/field naming system.
Real accessors work.
0-arg methods work.
0.03 1-arg, 2-arg methods implemented (minimally tested only).
Semantic of playgrounds, strides and formats documented.
Naming convention of the functions documented.
The 0, invalid, entry in the dispatch table modified to cause
croak(), not segfault.
Avoid creation of XSUBs referencing the invalid 0 entry.
Accessors for Perl format letters for internally used types.
More reasonable docs.
typemap added.
Clean headers for types and unused functions.
Check with Perl v>= 5.00553, and with threads.
0.04 Lists of supported handlers provided.
Remove defaults for arguments in 0- 1- 2-arg handlers.
Misprint in lookup of 1-arg handlers.
Hint about passing by reference.
0.05 checkfit() did not check for negative (and 0!) counts
checkfit() did not match semantic of source sizes
Beginning of framework for 2dim multi-grid (does not treat
boundary conditions well enough, so convergence is slower
than expected).
We take into account that long double is broken under BSD;
elementary functions over `D' argument are not supported
if elementary_D_missing() is TRUE; currently
cos sin tan acos asin atan exp log log10 sqrt ceil floor trunc rint pow.
Hints on implementation of convolution.
0.06 Signed vs unsigned comparison fixed from C semantic to math semantic.
Test script for comparison added.
Minor updates to docs (including future directions).
Results of comparison operators (le ge lt gt eq ne) may be any integer
type (may increase the DLL size by 20%).
Parametrized import, as in qw(:x=d access_x).
abs() for long long and unsigned types
Compress code slightly more for symmetric ops - for equal size of
operands, prefer the first one to be signed.
Check for overflow of ptrdiff_t in checkfit()
use ldexp[l] for <<, <<=, >>, >>= for floating-point source1 or target
bitwise operators, and assignment flavors
log log10 sqrt with non-floating point targets implemented
ne0 (meaning a != 0) implemented
0.07 Protect ceil/trunc/rint/abs too against missing long double flavors.
Touch version in .pm file.
Sort C functions in a particular order.
0.08 Use '--miss=LIST' as argument to
Support rint(), trunc(), cbrtl(), _cbrtl() in LIST
Touch version in .pm file.
Infrastructure in XS to support handler C files split in smaller chunks.
modf, frexp added (with source2 playing the role of the 2nd target).
0.09 Split handler C files inot smaller chunks
(should severely reduce the required memory during compilation:
now builds when 130MB of free_mem + swap/tmp
[takes 15min on Ultra5/333MHz]
*and* may speed up compilation - if quadratic algos).