Jacode4e - program for enterprise


 use FindBin;
 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
 use Jacode4e;

 $return =
 Jacode4e::convert(\$line, $OUTPUT_encoding, $INPUT_encoding [, { %option }]);

     Number of characters in $line

     String variable to convert
     After conversion, this variable is overwritten

   $OUTPUT_encoding, and $INPUT_encoding
     To convert, you must specify both $OUTPUT_encoding and $INPUT_encoding.
     The encodings you can specify are as follows:

     mnemonic      means
     cp932x        CP932X, Extended CP932 to JIS X 0213 using 0x9C5A as single shift
     cp932         CP932
     sjis2004      Shift_JIS-2004
     cp00930       IBM CP00930(CP00290+CP00300), CCSID 5026 katakana
     keis78        HITACHI KEIS78
     keis83        HITACHI KEIS83
     keis90        HITACHI KEIS90
     jef           FUJITSU JEF
     jipsj         NEC JIPS(J)
     jipse         NEC JIPS(E)
     utf8          UTF-8
     utf8jp        UTF-8-SPUA-JP, JIS X 0213 on SPUA ordered by JIS level, plane, row, cell

     The options you can specify are as follows:

     key mnemonic     value means
     INPUT_LAYOUT     input record layout by 'S' and 'D' sequence
                      'S' means one char as SBCS, 'D' means one char as DBCS
     OUTPUT_SHIFTING  true means use output shift code, false means not use
                      default is false
     SPACE            output space code in DBCS
     GETA             output geta code in DBCS


use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Jacode4e;
while (<>) {
    $return =
    Jacode4e::convert(\$_, 'cp932x', 'cp00930', {
        'OUTPUT_SHIFTING' => 0,
        'SPACE'           => "\x81\xA2",
        'GETA'            => "\x81\xA1",
    print $_;


This software is free software;

Copyright (c) 2018 INABA Hitoshi <>> in a CPAN

The latest version is available here:

Use and redistribution for ANY PURPOSE are granted as long as all copyright notices are retained. Redistribution with modification is allowed provided that you make your modified version obviously distinguishable from the original one. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.