POE::Component::Client::opentick::Util - Utility routines for the opentick POE Component.
use POE::Component::Client::opentick::Util;
This module contains utility routines used by the rest of POE::Component::Client::opentick, and thus is of no use to anything else.
It also rudely exports a bunch of junk into your namespace. This is desirable for the POE component, but why would you want that in your own module?
Don't fiddle with it. Ist easy schnappen der Springenwerk, blowen-fusen und poppen corken mit spitzensparken.
- $string = pack_binary( $pack_tmpl, @args )
Pack @args using $pack_tmpl into $string.
- @fields = unpack_binary( $pack_tmpl, $string )
Unpack $string using $pack_tmpl into corresponding @fields.
- $count = count_fields( $template )
Return the field $count from a pack() $template.
- $bool = check_fields( $count, @fields )
Verify that number of @fields match $count and all are defined.
- $hex = dump_hex( $data )
Reformat $data into a standard hexdump format and store in $hex.
- $string = pack_macaddr( 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' )
Pack a human-readable MAC address into its 6 byte binary representation.
- $bool = is_error( $object )
Given an argument, returns TRUE if it is of class ::Error.
- $bytes = pack_bytes( $pack_tmpl )
Given a pack() template, returns the number of bytes it will compact into.
- $value = asc2longlong( $string )
Given a value unpacked as an ascii string, convert it to its numeric counterpart.
POE, POE::Component::Client::opentick
perldoc lib
perldoc -q "include path"
Jason McManus (infi)
Copyright (c) Jason McManus
This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details.
The data from are under an entirely separate license that varies according to exchange rules, etc. It is your responsibility to follow the and exchange license agreements with the data.
Further details are available on