Cog::Store - Storage object base class for Cog App.
connect(root) -> $store - Connect to a store. Return store object.
init(root) -> $ok - set up a new store
$store->get(id) -> $node - retrieve a node object by id
$store->add(type) -> $node - create a new placeholder node. reserve the id.
$store->put(node) -> $ok - save a node, and update all indices
$store->del(id) -> $ok - remove a node, and update all indices
$store->schemata() -> { type => class } - get a map of the valid node classes
$store->index(name) -> [ keys ] - get all keys of an index
$store->index(name, key) -> [ values ] - get all values of an index key
$store->index(name, key, value) -> $ok - add a value to an index key
$store->unindex(name, key, value) -> $ok - remove a value from an index key
- node schema defines what is indexed
- node schema comes from node class for now