Inline::Module::Tutorial - Make "XS" modules for CPAN, the easy way


This tutorial will teach you how to write "extension" modules for CPAN using Inline::Module. The normal way to do this is with "XS", Perl's mechanism for binding C and C++ code to Perl. Inline::Module lets you do this much easier, avoiding the need to learn XS, but delivering results that are as robust as hand-written XS.


The tutorial starts by showing you how an example module (that is actually on CPAN), was created with Inline::Module. The module is called Acme::Math::XS, and its purpose (besides trivial math functions) is to demonstrate how to do this.

The Makefile.PL

No matter which framework you use to make modules (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Dist::Zilla) etc, you'll need to add a little metadata to the controls. For now we'll just show Makefile.PL way:

use lib 'inc';
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Inline::Module;

  NAME => 'Acme::Math::XS',
  postamble => {
    inline => {
      module => 'Acme::Math::XS',
      inline => 'Acme::Math::XS::Inline',
      ilsm => 'Inline::C',

So you need to use Inline::Module and add a postamble section with an inline section (with at least a module name) to WriteMakefile. The arguments specify the information the Inline::Module needs to do the right things.

NOTE: You also need to add inc to @INC, even if doesn't exist while you are developing and testing. It will exist when you ship it to CPAN, and the make install process needs it to work properly.

The Module

Next we'll "inline" some C code into a Perl module called lib/Acme/Math/ Here is the real module, but condensed a bit:

use strict; use warnings;
package Acme::Math::XS;
our $VERSION = '1.2.3';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(add subtract);
use Acme::Math::XS::Inline C => <<'...';
long add(long a, long b) { return a + b; }
long subtract(long a, long b) { return a - b; }

Normally you use Inline::C like this:

use Inline C => '<... c code ...>';

but here we just change Inline to Acme::Math::XS::Inline. This is the key part of how Inline::Module works. Since we want to use Inline but not depend on it when the user installs this module, we do this trick. The ::Inline module is a little generated stub that knows how to do all the right magics.

The Inline Stub Module

Next you'll need to actually generate the stub module. You only need to do this once. Run this command:

perl-inline-module generate Acme::Math::XS::Inline

You'll get a lib/Acme/Math/XS/ that looks like this:

use strict; use warnings;
package Acme::Math::XS::Inline;
use base 'Inline';
use Inline::Module 'v1' => '1.23';

The astute tutorialist will note that this module depends on Inline and Inline::Module, and that's a no-no. That's because this stub is used for author side development and testing, and another stub replaces it at module release time.

That stub will look like this:

use strict; use warnings;
package Acme::Math::XS::Inline;
use base 'DynaLoader';
bootstrap Acme::Math::XS::Inline;

And everything is fine. We are just using Dynaloader, the age old loader of extension libraries. As long the shared library stuff gets built into the blib directory at user build time (and it does!) we are good to go.


There are a few ways to test stuff and I'll describe them here. They should be familiar to most module authors.

prove -lv t/

This is the easiest and most common method of testing for non-XS module authors. Since Inline is involved, the compilation steps just work.

With XS, you typically need to run perl Makefile.PL && make first, and you also need to add the -b flag to prove to tell it to look in the new blib. Then you need to continually make sure to repeat this every time you change C code. With Inline, you can relax a bit.

perl Makefile.PL && make test

You can also use the XS style. It all works out the same.

prove -bv t/

In this style, you are just invoking the blib results directly, and Inline is not involved. Use this if you want to know that no nothing is up a sleeve, but don't forget that auto-compilation can't happen this way.

Making a Distribution (Tarball)

Now it's time to make the final product and ship it to CPAN. The mechanics are dead simple:

perl Makefile.PL
make dist

Same as any other module. Some magic is happening though to make it all work. You asked for this magic in your Makefile.PL changes!

Inline::Module modifies 2 targets in the Makefile:


This is the target that buils the distribution directory (before it is tarred up).


This odd sounding rule is actually the primary/default rule. It gets invoked when you run:


without arguments. In other words, the build step.

In the distdir phase, we need to:

  • Add the Inline modules that control building, under inc/:

    • Inline::Module

    • Inline::Module::Makemaker

    • Inline

    • Inline::C

    • a couple helper modules

We also need to move the test/build lib/Acme/Math/XS/ under inc/ and put the Dynaloader version in its place under lib.

The pure_all phase is simply tweaked to rearrange the exact location of things that get generated under blib. Then they are ready to be installed properly/normally by make install.

Ship It

Assuming you've done all the other parts of normal CPAN modules authoring, we are done here. Upload your module and watch CPAN Testers for results on tons of different platforms.


This section will describe how to do everything we just did, using the other popular CPAN build systems, like Dist::Zilla.


Let's start with this one, since it is so popular…

To be continued…


To be continued…


To be continued…


To be continued…


To be continued…


How to do this, but have your C/C++ in external files…


How to write modules that bind exteral libraries (like libyaml)…


Things that change when you use C++


It may be possible (though highly experimental) to use other Inline Language Support Modules (ILSMs), like Java or Python. This section will talk about that…


This document reflects the current state of Inline::Module. At this time, it is brand new, and thus many sections can't be written yet. This will change soon, and this document will be kept up to date with all the changes.


  • Ingy döt Net <>

  • David Oswald <>


Copyright 2014. Ingy döt Net.