Mo - Micro Objects. Mo is less.


package Less;
use Mo;
extends 'Nothing';

has 'something' => (
    is => 'rw',
    default => sub {
        my $self = shift;

sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;
    # ... 


use Mo. Mo is less. Much less.

Moose led to Mouse led to Moo led to Mo. M is nothing. Mo is more. Not much.

When Moo is more than you need, drop an 'o' and get some Mo.


This is what you get. Nothing Mo.

new method

Mo provides a new object constructor. It will call the BUILD method after creation if it can.

NOTE: Unlike other Moose modules, BUILD is not called in a chained fashion. You would need to call SUPER::BUILD yourself, if you needed that.


Mo exports the extends keyword, to name your parent class. Mo itself is your default parent class, of course.


Mo exports a has keyword, to generate accessors.

These accessors support get and set operations and allows a default. That's it.

has 'name';
has 'name' => ( default => sub { 'Joe' } );

has takes arguments after the name. Here is what it currently supports:


Must be a code reference. The object instance is passed in, and it should return the default value for this attribute. default is always called lazily. ie It is called when you try to get the value and it does not(exists()).


Must be a method name. This method should return the default value for this attribute. builder is always called lazily.

Any other arguments are ignored. This lets you switch from Moo to Mo and back, without having to change all your accessors.

strict and warnings

Mo turns on use strict and use warnings for you.


Mo is tiny. It is currently 10 lines, <= 80 chars.

You could easily inline it in your code, if you wanted to.


Ingy döt Net <>

Damien 'dams' Krotkine <>


Copyright (c) 2011. Ingy döt Net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
