—=head1 NAME
POD Document Object Model design
=head1 PURPOSE
To detail the form that "C<standard>" POD forms take in terms of
Kwid::DOM::Node objects.
The multitude of POD parsers out there could all do with something of
a "standard" POD form, other than those loosely made up by the
collection of Pod to XML formatters for Perl 5. Actually, not "other"
but "closely resembling" and "standardised".
This document details the DTD / Schema of "standard" POD documents,
and the mechanism by which "dialects" can plug in non-standard nodes.
See L<Kwid::Preprocessor> for details on how those non-standard nodes
are converted into standard nodes for output.
The below schema is a "Zen" cut of a POD to DocBook (in fact, ORA
dblite) node types. "Zen" means, I am just writing down what I think
is a good design without considering the alternate implementations
This structure B<will> change heavily, this is an B<early draft>,
actually draft is perhaps overstatings its greatness, this is actually
still a B<brainfart>.
The level of detail that this schema goes is one of those pragmatic
trade-offs between richness in interoperability, and simplicity of
design. At this stage, this document is leaning so far on the side of
interoperability, it's damn well almost fallen over!
Note that all POD formatters will need to do I<something> with all of
these blocks. They can also expect the L<Pod::Preprocessor> not to
fire any events to them that do not match this DTD.
=item C<id>
Blocks can have unique identifiers for various uses.
=item C<class>
The formatter(s) that will want to do something special with this
node. This is a space seperated list of formatter names.
Note that it is possible for a single node at the beginning of a
document with this set to affect the entire rest of the document on
output, depending on the nature of the dialect.
This can be considered roughly equivalent to the old C<=for FOO>
=item C<source>
In "extenuating circumstances", normative XML output might actually
specify the text that went along with a particular block. Note that
this does not include the source text that went along with the child
content or nodes.
Whether or not this safe round-tripping to XML is ever considered
"worth it" will be considered after a proof-of-concept implementation.
As is the case with L<Pod::SAX> (IIRC), this feature may be dropped.
=item B<para>
The C<para> node type starts a normal paragraph that otherwise hasn't
been wrapped.
=item I<content>
Content of paragraphs can only be inline blocks, like Text nodes or
inline styles.
=item B<programlisting>
node for verbatim blocks
=item I<content>
Content of paragraphs can only be inline blocks, like Text nodes or
inline styles.
=item B<sect1> .. B<sect4>
With a little departure from the flat nature of POD, these nodes will
represent an entire section of the manual page - ie, until the start
of the next C<sect> with an equal or lower number.
=item I<content>
Content of paragraphs can only be blocks elements, like title element
or paragraphs.
=item B<title>
A container for the heading styles for C<sect1>..C<sect4> blocks.
=item I<content>
Content of paragraphs can only be inline blocks, like Text nodes or
inline styles.
=item B<itemizedlist>
Used for unnumbered lists. Think C<ul>. May only contain listitems,
and possibly a title.
=item B<orderedlist>
Used for numeric lists. Think C<ol>. May only contain listitems, and
possibly a title.
=item B<listitem>
Entries for C<itemizedlist> and C<orderedlist>s. May only contain
block-level things, like paragraphs.
=item B<glosslist>
Used for glossaries (definition lists). Think C<dl>. May only
contain glossary terms and definitions, and possibly a title.
=item B<glossterm>
Entries for C<glosslist>. This represents the term. May only contain
block-level things, like paragraphs.
=item B<glossdef>
Entries for C<glosslist>. This represents the definition of a term.
May only contain block-level things, like paragraphs.
=item B<note: new stuff follows>
=item B<table>
=item B<thead>
=item B<tfoot>
=item B<tbody>
=item B<colspec>
=item B<spanspec>
=item B<row>
=item B<entry>
DocBook imports for tables.
=item B<name>
=item B<synopsis>
=item B<description>
Various O'Reilly DocBook types that just seem ... fitting. Should
these go in? You be the judge - come to #perlkwid on irc.freenode.net
=item B<classname>
=item B<funcsynopsis>
Hmm, maybe draw `standard' nodes for documenting class syntax?
=item B<caution>
=item B<important>
=item B<note>
=item B<tip>
=item B<warning>
Various styles of warning blocks. I really like these.
=item B<anchor>
A named point that can be referred to.
=item C<name>
name of the anchor.
=item I<anything else>
Anything that doesn't match this DTD, or nodes that do not match this
DTD will be considered a travesty by the L<Pod::Preprocessor>. They
will be fed into the C<class>, or perhaps wiped up by some active
I've gone and included the whole ORA safari inline styles list,
because I like richness in these things. I think there should be lots
of these :).
Note that inline elements can have C<class> attributes, just like
block elements.
=item B<abbrev>
=item B<acronym>
=item B<citation>
=item B<citetitle>
=item B<emphasis>
What you get from C<IE<lt> E<gt>>
=item B<firstterm>
=item B<foreignphrase>
=item B<glossterm>
=item B<quote>
=item B<subscript>
=item B<superscript>
=item B<filename>
What you get from C<FE<lt> E<gt>>
=item B<function>
=item B<command>
=item B<literal>
What you get from C<CE<lt> E<gt>>
=item B<parameter>
=item B<symbol>
=item B<type>
=item B<varname>
=item B<classname>
=item B<option>
=item B<optional>
=item B<userinput>
=item B<link>
A C<link> might be the only "special" inline style. It has one
extra attribute;
=item ref
The target of the link.
=item What about C<SE<lt> E<gt>>?
non-breaking spaces will be represented in the character stream as
such. `standard' POD may still support this escape.
=item What about C<SB<lt> E<gt>>?
I suppose we'll still have to support this, but consider the C<warn>
block level elements for putting things.
=item What about C<XB<lt> E<gt>>?
Link targets! Hmm, well, I don't see why not...
The following works were used as reference material and input. Or,
rather, if you're reading this SVN revision, then this is my shortlist
of reference material to work with in ensuring maximum design
compatibility with these usages of POD.
=item L<Pod::SAX>
Matt Seargeant. SAX interface to POD documents. Nice one Matt!
=item L<Pod::DocBook>
A crucial reference work... as POD is thought to be quite similar to
DocBook in many ways. We shall see how well the mapping works...
=item DocBook, the definitive Guide
O'Reilly & Associates. See also C<apt-get install docbook-defguide>
Used to clarify some decisions made.
=item L<Pod::XML>
Another reference POD XML generator to compare output form and
structure with.
=item L<Pod::XPath>
Examined closely as a prior art for building the linking syntax for
=item L<Test::Inline>
=item L<Test::Pod::Coverage>
Two example modules that want to be able to use the parser to extract
certain information, for differing uses.
=item L<OODoc>
Checking to see whether any of the concepts introduced by OODoc need
any special support from the Pod parser. This will be used more as a
"final check" - as if the design is "right", or at least "not utterly
ballsed up", then usages like this shouldn't need any special support
to implement their magic.
Then you wouldn't need a special POD formatter to parse and output
OODoc! Or, rather, the dialect-special POD parser would parse it and
preprocessor would transform the document at the right time. Maybe.
Well, it's the goal, anyway.