InterMine::Cookbook - how to run InterMine webservice queries


The InterMine cookbook is a set of short tutorial 'recipes' which aim to demonstrate particular features of the InterMine Perl API. Each recipe presents some code, followed by a section which explains and discusses the features used.


InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe1 - The bare basics

The bare minimum you need to create and run a valid InterMine query from scratch

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe2 - Adding constraints

Queries without constraints are not very useful, so here we look at how to add some simple constraints to your searches

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe3 - More constraints

There are several different constraint types, distinguished by their operators; this recipe introduces all the main constraint types.

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe4 - Other Query Features

This recipe presents the other potential features of a query: joins and path descriptions

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe5 - Dealing with Results

Once you have your query working the way you want it to, you will then need to deal with the results it returns - this recipe introduces the different result formats and how to access your data

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe6 - Advanced Results Management

This recipe looks at using iteration, and ways that you can use features such as filtering results, limiting them, and processing them in a stream.

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe7 - Extending InterMine

The Perl API is written to be easily extensible with Moose roles - so if there is something you wish it could do, it probably can: here we look at adding different output formats to queries.

InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe8 - Saving Queries

NOT IMPLEMENTED YET You can save queries you run to the webservice so that you can access them anywhere you are. They can then be accessed from the webservice and run within Perl.

InterMine::Cookbook::Templates::Recipe1 - Accessing Templates

You don't have to create all your own queries - much of the work has been done for you with re-usable 'Templates' available from the webservice - here we look at the basics of calling a template

InterMine::Cookbook::Templates::Recipe2 - Authoring Templates

NOT IMPLEMENTED YET Your scripted queries can be saved to the web-service as templates, making them as portable as the web-service itself, and as powerful as any other template.


Alex Kalderimis


Please report any bugs or feature requests to


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc InterMine

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2006 - 2010 FlyMine, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.