InterMine::Cookbook::Recipe3 - More Constraints


# Get all papers published by Arnosti, Bhat and Carmena
# on Even Skipped in D. Melanogater

use InterMine ('');

my $query = InterMine->new_query;

# Specifying a name and a description is purely optional
$query->name('Tutorial 3 Query');
$query->description('All the publications by Arnosti, Bhat and Carmena on Eve in D. Melanogaster');


   path  => 'Gene',
   op    => 'LOOKUP',
   value => 'eve',
   extra_value => 'D. melanogaster',

   path   => 'Gene.publications.firstAuthor',
   op     => 'IN',
   values => [
       'Arnosti DN',
       'Bhat VM',
       'Carmena A',

my $results = $query->results(as => 'string');
print $results;

# Get all genes that interact with Even Skipped and
# are annotated as affecting embryonic development
# or which have not yet been annotated

my $query2 = InterMine->new_query;

# Specifying a name and a description is purely optional
$query2->name('Tutorial 3 Query no 2');
$query2->description('All genes interacting with Even Skipped that affect embryonic development, or have not been annotated');


   path => 'Gene.annotations',
   type => 'PhenotypeAnnotation',

my $con1 = $query2->add_constraint(
   path  => 'Gene.annotations.developmentTerm',
   op    => 'IS NULL',

my $con2 = $query2->add_constraint(
   path  => 'Gene.annotations.developmentTerm',
   op    => 'CONTAINS',
   value => 'embryonic',

my $con3 = $query2->add_constraint(
   path  => 'Gene.interactions.interactingGenes',
   op    => 'LOOKUP',
   value => 'eve',
   extra_value  => 'D. melanogaster',

$query->logic( ($con1 | $con2) & $con3 );

my $results = $query2->results(as => 'string');
print $results;


There are a wide range of ways that paths can be constrained so that you can find what you're looking for. These fall under five broad categories, defined primarily by their operators:

Unary Constraints - constraints which do not take a value

Any string attribute or class can be NULL (absent) - only Integers are always present. In the above example, we test for the absense of a developmentTerm with the IS NULL operator

The Unary constraints are: IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

Binary Constraints - constraints which take a value

This is the largest group of constraints, and the most familiar. These constraints only operate on attributes, either on strings (text fields) or integers (numbers)

String operators:

=, !=, CONTAINS, >, <

Integer operators

=, !=, <, >, <=, >=

Ternary Constraints - constraints which can take two values

There is only one of these at present: LOOKUP. This operates over all the fields on a class, so its path must be a path to a classm such as Gene, as in the above examples, where both Gene and Gene.interactions.interactingGenes are paths to Gene objects. LOOKUP is handy because you don't need to remember which specific field a particular piece of information is in; for example eve could be the symbol, or primary identifier, or secondary identifier for the gene we are looking for, but all those fields will be searched, and if one matches then the constraint as a whole will match. LOOKUP is the standard way of determining an object's identity, rather than interrogating a particular field.

Because this can lead to ambiguities, the LOOKUP constraint allows an extra_value, which limits the constraint within a particular organism. This is especially useful when constraining genes, one of its main uses, as genes have symbols that frequently share values with genes from different organisms.

Multi Value constraints - constraints that can take more than one value

As the name implies, these constraints can have multiple values. There are two of these, IN and NOT IN, and they take a list of values (passed as an array reference). IN demand the value of the attribute be one of the values, while NOT IN requires it be none of them.

Sub Class constraints - constraints on the type of the path

The model that conceptualises the database schema is hierarchical, and reflects the relationships between the different objects in part through inheritance. Sub Class contraints allow you to specify a subclass of a class to constrain a path to. This has two possible uses:

  • Limit results to only those items of this subclass

  • Allow other paths to use the fields of the subclass as if they were the parent's

    ie: Normally C<Gene.annotations.developmentTerm> would be invalid, but
        with the above subclass constraint, it is valid, since C<developmentTerm>
        is a field on the PhenotypeAnnotation class, which is a subclass of

Subclass constraints do not have codes, and you cannot use them in the logic (ie. they are always active). They also do not have operators, but are called by specifying a type instead. Obviously, this type must be a subclass of the type of the path it constrains.


There is a wide variety of different constraint types, which gives InterMine queries flexibility and considerable expressive power. Other mechanisms for defining the query are discussed in Recipe4.