results_iterator_with(as => $row_format, %parameters)

Get an iterator over the rows of the result set. This is a more memory efficient way to deal with large result sets that would otherwise be difficult or impractical to hold in memory.

Parameters: =over 4 =item as => tsv|csv|arrayrefs|hashrefs|jsonobjects|jsonrows|count: How each line should be returned. =item size => Int: How many results to return (default: undef -> all) =item start => Int: The index of the first result to return (default: 0) =item addheaders => Bool/friendly/path: Whether to add headers to the output (default: false) =item json => inflate|instantiate|perl: How to handle json (default: perl) =item %parameters: The template parameters =back

Returns: A Webservice::InterMine::ResultIterator object.

results_with(as => $row_format, %parameters)

Get the results of the template back in the requested format.

Parameters: =over 4 =item as => tsv|csv|arrayrefs|hashrefs|jsonobjects|jsonrows|count: How each line should be returned. =item size => Int: How many results to return (default: undef -> all) =item start => Int: The index of the first result to return (default: 0) =item addheaders => Bool/friendly/path: Whether to add headers to the output (default: false) =item json => inflate|instantiate|perl: How to handle json (default: perl) =item %parameters: The template parameters =back

Returns: An arrayref of rows in the requested format

Prints out the results of the query to the given file-handle (or STDOUT if none is provided). This method is a convenience method to be used when results should be saved directly to a file.

show_with(%template_values, [to => $FH])

Print out a user-friendly view of the results, with the template values set to the given values, with the output going to the provided file-handle, or STDOUT if none is provided.


Get the total number of result rows for the result set for this template when run the given template values.

all_with(%template_values, %result_options);

Get all the rows of results for a query, given the specified options. This method explicitly removes any offset given and removes any size limit. Note that the server code limits result-sets to 10,000,000 rows in size, no matter what.

first_with(%template_values, %result_options);

Return the first result (row or object). Any size options are ignored. May return undef if there are no results.

one_with(%template_values, %result_options);

Return one result (row or object), throwing an error if none or more than one is received.


Returns a clone of the current template with the values adjusted to match those of the passed in template parameters.