package MyScript::Convert;
use strict;
use base 'CLI::Dispatch::Command';
use Encode;
sub options {qw( from=s to=s )}
sub run {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
die $self->usage(1) unless @args;
# this message will be printed when "verbose" option is set
$self->log( debug => 'going to convert encoding' );
my $decoded = decode( $self->option('from'), $args[0] );
print encode( $self->option('to'), $decoded );
=head1 NAME
MyScript::Convert - this will be shown in a command list
the following will be shown when you run the script
with a "help" option/command.
CLI::Dispatch::Command is a base class for an actual command. Basically, all you need to do is override the run
method to let it do what you want, and optionally override the options
method to provide option specifications for the command. Also, you are expected to write a decent pod for the command, which will be shown when you run a script with help
option/command, or when you run it without any command.
this is where you are expected to write what you want the command to do.
this is where you are expected to write an array of command-specific option specifications.
is a read-only accessor to the option of the name (returns an empty string if the option is not defined).
log, logger, logfile, logfilter
CLI::Dispatch uses Log::Dump as a logger, and the logger is enabled when the verbose
option is set.
takes a label and arbitrary messages (strings, references and objects), and dumps them to stderr by default.
$self->log( label => @messages );
If you want to dump to a file, pass the file name to logfile
, and if you want to dump only messages with selected labels, use logfilter
. If you want to use other loggers like Log::Dispatch, pass its instance to logger
See Log::Dump for detailed instrution.
check (since 0.05)
will be executed before run
, mainly to see if the command is really available for the user. If the command happens to die there, the dying message will also be shown in the commands list.
package MyScript::UnportableCommand;
use strict;
use base 'CLI::Dispatch::Command';
sub check {
my $self = shift;
eval "require Module::For::Unix::Only";
die "Unsupported OS" if $@; # for a better message in the list
sub run { ... }
usage (since 0.07)
will print the first section of the pod for the command. If you pass a true value as the first argument, it just returns the usage text instead without printing.
creates a command object.
takes a hash of options from the dispatcher, and set them into the command object.
Kenichi Ishigaki, <>
Copyright (C) 2008 by Kenichi Ishigaki.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.