Catalyst::Model::JDBI::Schemas - Jifty::DBI Model Class with some magic on top


In your model class:

package MyApp::Model:
use strict;
use base qw( Catalyst::Model::JDBI::Schemas );
    schema_base  => 'MyApp::Schema',
    connect_info => {
        driver   => 'SQLite',
        database => 'myapp.db',

Or you may want to have multiple databases (for partitioning):

package MyApp::Model:
use strict;
use base qw( Catalyst::Model::JDBI::Schemas );
    schema_base => 'MyApp::Schema',
    databases   => [
            name => 'database1',
            connect_info => {
                driver   => 'SQLite',
                database => 'myapp1.db',
            name => 'database2',
            connect_info => {
                driver   => 'SQLite',
                database => 'myapp2.db',

Then in a controller:

my $record = $c->model('JDBI::Book');
   $record->load_by_cols( name => 'foo' );

my $collection = $c->model('JDBI::BookCollection');
   $collection->limit( column => 'name', value => 'bar',
                       operator => 'MATCHES' );

Or, you may want to do more explicitly

my $record = $c->model('JDBI')->record('Book');
   $record->load_by_cols( name => 'foo' );

my $collection = $c->model('JDBI')->collection('BookCollection');
   $collection->limit( column => 'name', value => 'bar',
                       operator => 'MATCHES' );

If you want some partitioning:

my $record_1 = $c->model('JDBI')
                 ->record('Book', from => 'database1');
my $record_2 = $c->model('JDBI')
                 ->record('Book', from => 'database2');

my $collection_1 = $c->model('JDBI')
                                  from => 'database1');
my $collection_2 = $c->model('JDBI')
                                  from => 'database2');

You can also setup a database:

my $database = $c->model('JDBI')->database;
if ( -f $database ) {
  unlink $database;

You want more? or you don't want any more magic?

my $handle = $c->model('JDBI')->handle;
my $sth = $handle->simple_query( $sql_statement, @binds );

# Also you can write like this if you use a default handle:
my $sth = $c->model('JDBI')
            ->simple_query( $sql_statement, @binds );


This is yet another Catalyst model for Jifty::DBI-based models. The main difference between this and precedent Catalyst::Model::Jifty::DBI is that you don't have to list your schema classes in the config (they'll be detected automatically).

This model also provides several features for laziness. You don't have to create simple Collection classes (they'll be created on the fly a la Jifty). No more writing schema in other language just to set up databases; C::M::JDBI::Schemas takes care of it, on the fly if you want (of course from the perl schemas you prepared; converting raw SQLs to a database to perl schemas is not our way). You may want to use multiple databases of the same schema, or, you may prefer bloody raw SQL statements to complicated object chains. Here you are. Have fun!



The namespace to look for schema definitions in. All the schemas just below this namespace would be counted.


A hash reference, which would be converted to a hash, then be passed to Jifty::DBI::Handle->new. See Jifty::DBI::Handle's pod for details.


You may want to use multiple databases (for log rotation, load balancing etc). In this case you can provide multiple "connect_info" hash references under here, as shown in the SYNOPSIS. Actually, above "connect_info" hash reference would be moved in this "databases" array reference internally, with a default name "_" (underscore).



creates a model. Database connection may be or not be prepared, according to the number of connect_info. See above for the configuration.


creates and returns a corresponding (new) Jifty::DBI::Record object. Note that this is just a Record, not a Collection or a RecordSet of DBIC. That means, this object holds one and only single record, and usually you shouldn't reuse this object to let it hold another record. See examples:

# this works.
my $record = $c->model('JDBI')->record('Book');
   $record->load_by_cols( id => 1 );
   $record->set_name( 'new name' );  # now inserted/updated

# this may or may not work as you wish,
# depending on what you really want to do.
$c->model('JDBI')->record('Book')->load_by_cols( id => 1 );
$c->model('JDBI')->record('Book')->set_name( 'new name' );

You can pass an optional hash, as shown in the SYNOPSIS.

# this tries to fetch a record from a table named 'books'
# in a database named 'database'.
my $record = $c->model('JDBI')->record('Book', from => 'database');

You can omit "->record" when you fetch from a default database.

# both do the same thing
my $record = $c->model('JDBI')->record('Book');
my $record = $c->model('JDBI::Book');


creates and returns a corresponding (new) Jifty::DBI::Collection object. If you haven't created a Collection class but only a Schema/Record class, this model creates a plain Collection class on the fly. I recommend not to omit the obvious 'Collection' part of the class name, but if you prefer, you can spare that part when you explicitly call model("Model")->collection("Schema") (you can't omit if you follow the model("Model::Schema") convention). Other general usage and caveats are the same as ->record.

# this works.
my $collection = $c->model('JDBI')->collection('BookCollection');
   $collection->limit( column => 'name', value => 'bar',
                       operator => 'MATCHES' );

# this may or may not work as you wish,
# depending on what you really want to do.

You can pass an optional hash, as shown in the SYNOPSIS.

# this tries to fetch a collection from a table named 'books'
# in a database named 'database'.
my $collection = $c->model('JDBI')
                                from => 'database');

You can omit "->collection" when you fetch from a default database.

# both do the same thing
my $collection = $c->model('JDBI')->collection('BookCollection');
my $collection = $c->model('JDBI::BookCollection');


When you want to do something irrelevant to a specific table, or something too complicated for Jifty::DBI, you can execute arbitrary statements with "simple_query", which is almost equivalent to DBI's $dbh->do or ->prepare. Note that this is supposed to use a default handle. If you want to use other handles, get the handle first with ->handle described below.

# fetch something from "tables" table,
# described in "(Your::Schema::)Table" schema/record class.
my $statement = 'select * from tables where id = ?';
my $sth = $c->model('JDBI')->simple_query( $statement, 1 );
return $sth ? $sth->fetchrow : undef;

# Above is equivalent to:
my $handle = $c->model('JDBI')->handle;
my $sth = $handle->simple_query( $statement, 1 );
return $sth ? $sth->fetchrow : undef;


This is a lazier shortcut to realize the example just shown above.

my $statement = 'select * from tables where id = ?';
my $row = $c->model('JDBI')->fetch_result( $statement, 1 );


C::M::JDBI::Schemas may have multiple JDBI handles. You can choose one you want to use like this:

my $handle = $c->model('JDBI')->handle( name => 'sample.db' );

You can use "from" instead of "name". Also, you can use an alias to the real database name (connect_info->{database}) if you set "name" option in the config.

my $handle = $c->model('JDBI')->handle( from => 'alias' );

By default, this returns a default handle (the first one).


returns all the database names/aliases registered in the config. "_" (underscore) is the one used by default.

# See if all the registered SQLite databases have been set up.
foreach my $name ( $c->model('JDBI')->databases ) {
  my $dbfile = $c->model('JDBI')->database( name => $name );
  warn "database $db does not exist" unless -f $dbfile;
  warn "database $db is blank" unless -s $dbfile;


returns a database name (or an actual path to the database for SQLite). See above for an example. You can pass an optional hash to specify database alias explicitly.

$c->model('JDBI')->database( name => 'alias' );


You can set up database on the fly with your perl schema. You can pass an optional hash to specify target database.

$c->model('JDBI')->setup_database( name => 'database' );




These three are shortcuts to ->handle->(method_name). You can pass an optional hash to specify target database.


This also is a shortcut to ->handle->disconnect. You can pass an optional hash to specify target database.


Jifty::DBI, Catalyst::Model::Jifty::DBI


Kenichi Ishigaki, <>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Kenichi Ishigaki.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.