Changes for version 1.55_05 - 2017-12-16

  • Implemented ParamValues statement handle attribute (RT-123886)

Changes for version 1.55_04 - 2017-11-22

  • Updated SQLite to 3.21.0
  • Resolved #122581: statistics_info() doesn't work correctly (John Deighan)
  • Fixed typo (GH#26, ReneNyffenegger)
  • Silenced some warnings (GH#25, Jacques Germishuys)
  • Fixed no dot in @INC issue (GH#24, ribasushi)
  • Fixed zero-length BLOB value is retrieved as undef (GH#23, SATO Kentaro)
  • Fixed VirtualTable::PerlData to use new ops added in SQLite 3.21.0 (GH#28, fschlich)
  • noted on sqlite_extended_result_codes handle attribute

Changes for version 1.55_03 - 2017-02-14

  • Updated SQLite to 3.17.0

Changes for version 1.55_02 - 2017-01-08

  • Updated SQLite to 3.16.2
  • Fixed statistics_info when only unique indexes were requested (Dave Rolsky++). GitHub #21

Changes for version 1.55_01 - 2017-01-04

  • Updated SQLite to 3.16.0


The DBD::SQLite Cookbook
Using fulltext searches with DBD::SQLite


Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
common SQLite constants
SQLite virtual tables implemented in Perl
virtual table for viewing file contents
virtual table hooked to Perl data


in lib/DBD/SQLite/
in lib/DBD/SQLite/VirtualTable/
in lib/DBD/SQLite/VirtualTable/