Changes for version 0.88 - 2013-08-01
- =over
- =item add metric C<no_dot_underscore_files> (L<daxim|>, L<charsbar|>)
- =item remove metrics C<distributed_by_debian>, C<latest_version_distributed_by_debian>, C<has_no_bugs_reported_in_debian>, C<has_no_patches_in_debian>, C<no_cpants_errors>, C<uses_test_nowarnings>, C<has_test_pod>, C<has_test_pod_coverage>, C<has_examples> (L<charsbar|>)
- =item add metric C<portable_filenames> (L<charsbar|>)
- =item numerous fixes for a smoother operation of www-cpants (L<charsbar|>)
- =back
Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
Interface to Kwalitee generators
Check for broken Module::Install
Check for CPANTS testing errors
Proper Distname layout
Information retrieved from the various Linux and other distributions
Check for various files
Find modules provided by a dist
Checks if there is a license
Checks data availabe in META.yml
Checks if the module needs a (probably C) compiler
Check Pod
Checks listed prerequistes
Checks for various signs that make a module packageable
dist has a valid signature
Checks which modules are used
check versions