Win32::IEHistory - parse Internet Explorer's history index.dat


use Win32::IEHistory;
my $index = Win32::IEHistory->new( 'index.dat' );
foreach my $url ( $index->urls ) {
  print $url->url, "\n";

Or, you can use callback function if you care memory usage.

use Win32::IEHistory;
my $index = Win32::IEHistory->new( 'index.dat' );
$index->urls( callback => \&callback )

sub callback {
  my $entry = shift;
  my $url = $entry->url;
     $url =~ s/^Visited: //;
  $entry->url( $url );

  print $entry->url, "\n";
  return;  # to prevent the entry from being kept in the object


This parses so-called "Client UrlCache MMF Ver 5.2" index.dat files, which are used to store Internet Explorer's history, cache, and cookies. As of writing this, I've only tested on Win2K + IE 6.0, but I hope this also works with some of the other versions of OS/Internet Explorer. However, note that this is not based on the official/public MSDN specification, but on a hack on the web. So, caveat emptor in every sense, especially for the redr entries ;)

Patches and feedbacks are welcome.



receives a path to an 'index.dat', and parses it to create an object.


returns URL entries in the 'index.dat' file. Each entry has url, filename, headers, filesize, last_modified, last_accessed accessors (note that some of them would return meaningless values). As of 0.02, it can receive a callback function. See below.


returns LEAK entries (if any) in the 'index.dat' file. Each entry has url, filename, headers, filesize, last_modified, last_accessed accessors (note that some of them would return meaningless values). As of 0.02, it can receive a callback function.


returns REDR entries (if any) in the 'index.dat' file. Each entry has a url accessor. As of 0.02, it can receive a callback function.


Three methods shown above return all the entries found in the index by default, but this may eat lots of memory especially if you use IE as a main browser. As of 0.02, those methods may receive a callback function, which will take an entry for the first (and only, as of writing this) argument. If the callback returns true, the entry will be stored in the ::IEHistory object, and if the callback returns false, the entry will be discarded after the callback is executed.



Kenichi Ishigaki, <ishigaki at>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Kenichi Ishigaki.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.