Tinkerforge - Official Perl support for all Tinkerforge Bricks and Bricklets


Version 2.1.0


The Tinkerforge Perl module provides official API support for all Tinkerforge Bricks and Bricklets. A comprehensive documentation for the Perl bindings can be found at, English: strict German: strict


As a very basic requirement one must install the following packages from the Tinkerforge namespace,

Tinkerforge::IPConnection Tinkerforge::Error Tinkerforge::Device

After having these packages installed one can run the authentication and enumeration examples.

To be able to use the Perl bindings with a device on must install the device specific packages first. For example, if someone wants to use the Humidity Bricklet then the person must install the package,


After installing the basic packages as mentioned above.




use Tinkerforge::IPConnection;

use constant HOST => 'localhost';
use constant PORT => 4223;
use constant SECRET => 'My Authentication Secret!';

# Create IPConnection
our $ipcon = Tinkerforge::IPConnection->new();

# Authenticate each time the connection got (re-)established
sub cb_connected
    my ($connect_reason) = @_;

    if ($connect_reason == $ipcon->CONNECT_REASON_REQUEST)
        print "Connected by request\n";
    elsif ($connect_reason == $ipcon->CONNECT_REASON_AUTO_RECONNECT)
        print "Auto-Reconnect\n";

    # Authenticate first...
        print "Authentication succeeded\n";
    if ($!)
        print "Could not authenticate: $!\n";

    # ...then trigger Enumerate

# Print incoming enumeration
sub cb_enumerate
    my ($uid, $connected_uid, $position, $hardware_version,
    $firmware_version, $device_identifier, $enumeration_type) = @_;

    print "UID: $uid, Enumeration Type: $enumeration_type\n";

# Register Connected Callback
$ipcon->register_callback($ipcon->CALLBACK_CONNECTED, 'cb_connected');

# Register Enumerate Callback
$ipcon->register_callback($ipcon->CALLBACK_ENUMERATE, 'cb_enumerate');

# Connect to brickd
$ipcon->connect(&HOST, &PORT);

print "Press any key to exit...\n";



use Tinkerforge::IPConnection;

use constant HOST => 'localhost';
use constant PORT => 4223;

# Print incoming enumeration
sub cb_enumerate()
    my ($uid, $connected_uid, $position, $hardware_version,
        $firmware_version, $device_identifier, $enumeration_type) = @_;

    print "\nUID:               ".$uid;
    print "\nEnumeration Type:  ".$enumeration_type;

    if ($enumeration_type == Tinkerforge::IPConnection->ENUMERATION_TYPE_DISCONNECTED)
        print "\n";
        return 1;

    print "\nConnected UID:     ".$connected_uid;
    print "\nPosition:          ".$position;
    print "\nHardware Version:  ".join('.', @$hardware_version);
    print "\nFirmware Version:  ".join('.', @$firmware_version);
    print "\nDevice Identifier: ".$device_identifier;
    print "\n";

# Create connection and connect to brickd
my $ipcon = Tinkerforge::IPConnection->new();

$ipcon->connect(&HOST, &PORT);

# Register Enumerate Callback
$ipcon->register_callback($ipcon->CALLBACK_ENUMERATE, 'cb_enumerate');

# Trigger Enumerate

print "\nPress any key to exit...\n";



use Tinkerforge::IPConnection;
use Tinkerforge::BrickletHumidity;

use constant HOST => 'localhost';
use constant PORT => 4223;
use constant UID => '7bA'; # Change to your UID

my $ipcon = Tinkerforge::IPConnection->new(); # Create IP connection
my $h = Tinkerforge::BrickletHumidity->new(&UID, $ipcon); # Create device object

$ipcon->connect(&HOST, &PORT); # Connect to brickd
# Don't use device before ipcon is connected

# Get current humidity (unit is %RH/10)
my $rh = $h->get_humidity()/10.0;

print "\nRelative Humidity: ".$rh." RH%\n";

print "\nPress any key to exit...\n";



use Tinkerforge::IPConnection;
use Tinkerforge::BrickletHumidity;

use constant HOST => 'localhost';
use constant PORT => 4223;
use constant UID => '7bA'; # Change to your UID

my $ipcon = Tinkerforge::IPConnection->new(); # Create IP connection
my $h = Tinkerforge::BrickletHumidity->new(&UID, $ipcon); # Create device object

# Callback function for humidity callback (parameter has unit %RH/10)
sub cb_reached
    my ($humidity) = @_;

    if($humidity < 30*10)
        print "\nHumidity too low: ".$humidity/10.0." RH%\n";
    if($humidity > 60*10)
        print "\nHumidity too high: ".$humidity/10.0." RH%\n";

    print "\nRecommended humiditiy for human comfort is 30 to 60 %RH.\n";

$ipcon->connect(&HOST, &PORT); # Connect to brickd
# Don't use device before ipcon is connected

# Get threshold callbacks with a debounce time of 10 seconds (10000ms)

# Register threshold reached callback to function cb_reached
$h->register_callback($h->CALLBACK_HUMIDITY_REACHED, 'cb_reached');

# Configure threshold for "outside of 30 to 60 %RH" (unit is %RH/10)
$h->set_humidity_callback_threshold('o', 30*10, 60*10);

print "\nPress any key to exit...\n";


Ishraq Ibne Ashraf


Copyright 2014 Ishraq Ibne Ashraf.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of this distribution, with or without modification, are permitted. See the Creative Commons Zero (CC0 1.0) License for more details.