Tinkerforge::BrickletRotaryEncoder - 360° rotary encoder with push-button
This constant is used to identify a Rotary Encoder Bricklet.
The get_identity() subroutine and the CALLBACK_ENUMERATE callback of the IP Connection have a device_identifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.
This constant represents the display name of a Rotary Encoder Bricklet.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_COUNT callback.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_COUNT_REACHED callback.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_PRESSED callback.
This constant is used with the register_callback() subroutine to specify the CALLBACK_RELEASED callback.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
This constant is used with the get_response_expected(), set_response_expected() and set_response_expected_all() subroutines.
- new()
Creates an object with the unique device ID *uid* and adds it to the IP Connection *ipcon*.
- get_count()
Returns the current count of the encoder. If you set reset to true, the count is set back to 0 directly after the current count is read.
The encoder has 24 steps per rotation
Turning the encoder to the left decrements the counter, so a negative count is possible.
- set_count_callback_period()
Sets the period with which the :cb:`Count` callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.
The :cb:`Count` callback is only triggered if the count has changed since the last triggering.
- get_count_callback_period()
Returns the period as set by :func:`Set Count Callback Period`.
- set_count_callback_threshold()
Sets the thresholds for the :cb:`Count Reached` callback.
The following options are possible:
.. csv-table:: :header: "Option", "Description" :widths: 10, 100
"'x'", "Callback is turned off" "'o'", "Callback is triggered when the count is *outside* the min and max values" "'i'", "Callback is triggered when the count is *inside* the min and max values" "'<'", "Callback is triggered when the count is smaller than the min value (max is ignored)" "'>'", "Callback is triggered when the count is greater than the min value (max is ignored)"
The default value is ('x', 0, 0).
- get_count_callback_threshold()
Returns the threshold as set by :func:`Set Count Callback Threshold`.
- set_debounce_period()
Sets the period with which the threshold callback
* :cb:`Count Reached`
is triggered, if the thresholds
* :func:`Set Count Callback Threshold`
keeps being reached.
- get_debounce_period()
Returns the debounce period as set by :func:`Set Debounce Period`.
- is_pressed()
Returns *true* if the button is pressed and *false* otherwise.
It is recommended to use the :cb:`Pressed` and :cb:`Released` callbacks to handle the button.
- get_identity()
Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.
The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.
The device identifier numbers can be found :ref:`here <device_identifier>`. |device_identifier_constant|